"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:UWBpb.204491$0v4.16075650 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| I encourage folks not to reply, be-cause I
| want not to know with respect to =individuals=.]
| [...]
It's not that I don't want folks to enter into
Obviously, I do.
It's just that I don't want to allow folks who
do not comprehend what's entailed to be
Innocently-subjected to all that's entailed.
The understanding necessitates caring
for others in this way.
Get it?
It's in Guarding Free Will.
The other thing is that, just now, I'm broach-
ing some 'Difficult' stuff.
I Understand that ''no one can reply' in the
midst of such.
I'm doing it, now, be-cause it became
clear that, despite True-Wonder-Stuff
shared, this online 'life' is going to come-
up 'futile' with respect to my Hope of win-
ning an opportunity to do-more.
When experiencing the illusion that "all's lost",
"Don't Waste what's left", because it's often
the case that when "all's lost", only then can
what needs to be done actually be done -
otherwise, there's just 'two' much "alterna-
tive" that gets-in-the-way. You know - the
tacit Dictate, "Fit in!", is 'powerful', but it
drives behavior while looking in its rearview
mirror [it can only 'see' what already exists
within formerly-created "biological mass",
and diverts one's 'intention' into that stuff.
So if you're 'doomed to be Free', might
as well use the Freedom inherent. Don't
'fit-in'? Might as well look through the
wind-shield :-]
ken [k. p. collins]