Micromanipulators and Isolation tables!

Francis Burton fburton at nyx10.nyx.net
Tue Nov 4 09:11:03 EST 2003

In article <Xns9429C4B0A8B8giddeonnyquisthotmai at>,
Giddeon Nyquist  <giddeon_nyquist at hotmail.com> wrote:
>For some reason the electrode on my patch setup is oscillating when viewed 
>under the microscope.  My isolation table is working and I've secured all 
>the excess material that may have contributed to the oscillations.

Does jumping up and down on the floor make the shakes worse?
(Get someone to do this for you while you watch.)

>However, its still there.  The motion appears periodic so I'm running out 
>of ideas and I'm thinking that it could be the micromanipulator.  Has 
>anyone here experienced the electrode "shakes" with an SD instruments 

I've only ever used Narashige or modified Huxley manipulators -
no shakes with them.

Do the shakes happen all the time, or just when you are moving
the electrode? Does the micromanipulator have servo motors? If
so, what happens when they are powered off?

Do you have an A/C unit blowing air round the room?


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