Micromanipulators and Isolation tables!

Giddeon Nyquist giddeon_nyquist at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 4 01:11:38 EST 2003

To the electrophysiologists out there, I seriously need some help!

For some reason the electrode on my patch setup is oscillating when viewed 
under the microscope.  My isolation table is working and I've secured all 
the excess material that may have contributed to the oscillations.  
However, its still there.  The motion appears periodic so I'm running out 
of ideas and I'm thinking that it could be the micromanipulator.  Has 
anyone here experienced the electrode "shakes" with an SD instruments 
micromanipulator cause I wouldn't even know what to look for. Man guys, 
this is annoying.  Since the "shakes" everything I'm patching these days 
either becomes a spontaneous seal bust before the giga seal or my electrode 
just burrows into the neuron after forming the giga seal.  Help!  Anyone!

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