In article <Xns94298329711B4BilZ0rhotmailcom at>,
BilZ0r <BilZ0r at> wrote:
> But don't you think he needs help? He is obviously ruinning his life with
> his crusade, spending all of his money and time...
Well, he obviously spends a lot of time on it, but I guess all of us
choose how we spend our time - when we're able to choose. Don't see how
you can assume it's ruining his life (unless he has mentioned something
along those lines - I just thought he couldn't afford ISP bills at the
> I don't know, I just think its sad he's slipped through the cracks.
I think it's clear Ken has an enquiring mind but doesn't operate in the
same reference frame as most scientists - I haven't taken the time to
understand most of what he says (it seems to assume a pre-existing
familiarity), but I'm willing to consider the idea that he has made some
significant progress, in his own way. Most scientists don't think along
those lines, so his ability to communicate those ideas is severely
curtailed. You never know, he may decide to re-cast his notions in the
form of testable hypotheses which could open a dialogue with the rest of
science. Or he might be content just to figure it out for himself. At
any rate, I don't presume to judge the worth of his ideas, and while I
prefer to remain in my own intellectual (empiricist, rationalist)
framework, I don't necessarily think that thinking in other ways is
"slipping through the cracks".
What WOULD be sad is if Ken were prevented from communicating his ideas,
since the act of communication is obviously very important to him, and
the joy of the internet is that it increases the possibility for
contacting the like-minded.
I refer to Ken in the third person instead of addressing him correctly
since he asked for no answers to his posts.