Food for Ken

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Mon Nov 3 19:20:14 EST 2003

Don't reply.

Matthew, if there's room for me in Austrailia,
I'm in a position, now, to explore that.

I just want a 'place' in which I can continue
the work I do. It's what all my online discus-
sions come down to - want to do the work, so
that, when folks're ready to receive it, it'll be
there for them.

Only want to go where folks are not 'afraid'
of Truth.

Don't reply, and don't, otherwise, 'expose'
yourself. Just let this 'circulate'. Let folks in
Austrailia 'explore' their 'hearts' with respect
to whether there's a place for me in Austrailia.

It'd be fitting to go "Down Under".

I exist 'on the other side' of the "zone of
randomness" [AoK, Ap4] from most folks.

You know - "inverted", in the general sense.

"Down under", perhaps I'd be 'normal' :-]

[Only kidding - the Geometry is 'playful', and
I '"couldn't resist".]


"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au>
wrote in message
news:Matthew.Kirkcaldie-4F4860.09470804112003 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.a
| [...]

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