In article <tlbaqvgt60pq4rolr0sqjb8fn1vat3pi9v at>,
Reality Therapist <not at here.not> wrote:
> Ken, what criteria would allow you to detect your being paranoid?
>> So someone's flooding your system with garbage messages; gosh, sounds
> like poetic justice! It sounds like what YOU are busy doing to our
> forum here. No matter what life does to disinvest you of a computer
> you manage to reacquire access so you can continue your campaign of
> subjecting this forum to your withering bombardment.
I think Ken is just trying to work something out for himself, but using
a public forum as a notebook. I don't have the faintest idea what most
of his ideas refer to, and I suspect many have meaning only to him, but
I can't see the harm in it. It requires a peculiar kind of ego to take
personal offence at someone "doing what they do." I suggest that you
take the ten minutes required to figure out the use of killfiles if it
bothers you that much - or that perhaps you find something less trivial
to fret about.
I think Usenet can cope with the load of the approx. 2k of text that Ken
generates daily. Even though I don't think much of it is useful to
anyone other than Ken, I must say it's fascinating to see someone so
consumed by these ideas that they are motivated to work them over and
reformulate them on a daily basis. It's the same motivation that keeps
us turning up to the newsgroup, or for those of us lucky enough to work
in the field, turning up for work.
> You're a one-man wreaking crew. You're the bionet.neuroscience
> computer virus.
>> I'm providing this Reality Therapy to you free of charge.
Don't push your opinion as "reality", thanks; you don't speak for me. I
would have thought that someone purporting to be interested in the brain
would have a little sympathy for someone else engaged in the struggle,
no matter how unconventional the approach.
As I said, figure out the use of a killfile, and enjoy the lack of Ken.
How gutless to make an ad hominem attack from an anonymous posting,
against someone whom I haven't seen making such attacks. As for me, I'm
with Voltaire on this one.