Hair cuts are meant to be good for hair loss -- the act of shaving
your head is meant to stimulate hair growth. To give an example
(uneless your a eunoch who doesnt need to shave), men who shave every
day have thick beards, while those who dont have slim puffy beards.
This is useful to police when trying to catch Osama Bin laden
operatives. The real fellows have fine and slim beards. The cons have
thick beards......
Moral of the story --- in order to prevent male pattern baldness shave
your hair all the time.
"NMF" <neil.fournier at> wrote in message news:<Q1Ckb.808$XO.98295 at>...
> That's an extremely valid question. I have not heard of strokes occuring
> during the actual haircutting itself, however, I have heard of strokes
> occuring when the person is actually getting there hair washed in the sinks.
> Some epileptics will have seizures triggered during the actual manipulation
> and "cutting" of the hair. That has been reported a few times in the
> literature.
>> NMF
>>>> "Virginia" <biteme at> wrote in message
> news:vp2v2ck3riihaf at> > Wow. Seems a guy can't ask a question around here without being razzed
> > incessantly.
> >
> > Unfortunately, many people have had strokes due to a "haircut". The chairs
> > that are used for washing your hair have the nice cozy neck brace. This
> nice
> > cozy neck brace has been shown to be the wrong shape. It puts pressure on
> > all the wrong places and cuts off circulation.
> > I'm sure a quick search will turn up results on the net.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Virginia
> >
> > "JLF" <revfordham at> wrote in message
> > news:v4bvbv9lggih49 at> > > Of course it can! We all know that the hair follicles are actually just
> the
> > > physical manifestations of morphic field threads extending out from the
> > > brain's electromagnetic activity,... Cutting them, or being too rough
> with
> > > them causes vibratory waves which travel back down the morphic field
> threads
> > > and resonate in the medulla oblongata. That's why cutting your hair
> always
> > > drops your I.Q. at least 15 points.
> > >
> > > JLF
> > >
> > > "AliGhas" <alighas2000 at> wrote in message
> > > news:fc233106.0204181800.6e240878 at> > > > Maybe I'm a bit paranoid but I got a haircut yesterday and the lady
> > > > was very aggressive when she was cutting and manipulating my head
> > > > & hair. She was pulling hard on my hair and was combing my hair very
> > > > hard. However, I didn't feel as if any of her strokes caused any
> > > > noticeable pain and I didn't experience any symptoms like dizziness or
> > > > nausea or disorientation or anything like that at all. But after I
> > > > paid her for hte haircut my mind felt a bit "wet" or fuzzy or
> > > > something (hard to describe) and a
> > > > couple of hours later I developed a minor headache. Today my mind
> > > > still feels a bit fuzzy (but less than before).
> > > >
> > > > My question is, is it possible that her actions of combing hard and
> > > > manipulating my head, caused any permanent brain cell damage??? Or is
> > > > it just a temporary phenomenon after which I should recover 100% w/o
> > > > any damage. Maybe
> > > > I'm paranoid because it wasn't any severe head trauma at all but my
> > > > mind still does feel a bit fuzzy.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >