Help needed for school project. Effects of scent on the body

J C null at nowhere.net
Mon Nov 3 11:44:46 EST 2003

On 3 Nov 2003 07:33:04 -0800, tomr at ix.netcom.com (Tom Russell) wrote:

>Hi folks:
>I'm working on a project for school. Specifically I'm to describe the
>physiological effects that smelling a flower have on the human body.
>Can anyone recommend any reference material on this subject. I have a
>few books on aromatherapy. 

I'm going to politely suggest that you do not rely solely on the
aromatherapy books that you have.

Instead, you might want to start with basic textbooks in the
neurosciences. And after that make a search of the US Library of
Congress. If you find a book that you're library does not have, they
might be able to acquire it on loan.

Also search the archives at the National Library of Medicine at the
National Institutes of Health:
and when the page loads click on PubMed in the left column
If you find any articles of interest, print the references and bring
them to your reference librarian and ask that she retrieve copies of
the articles.

-- JC

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