Help needed for school project. Effects of scent on the body

Tom Russell tomr at ix.netcom.com
Mon Nov 3 10:33:04 EST 2003

Hi folks:

I'm working on a project for school. Specifically I'm to describe the
physiological effects that smelling a flower have on the human body.
Can anyone recommend any reference material on this subject. I have a
few books on aromatherapy. They describe how scent is recieved in the
nose and how it is transmitted to the brain and to the lungs. Thats
about all I have found.

What I'm looking for is what happens then and how it happens in as
simple a terms as I can find.


Effects on the heart rate and the breath, adrenal glands, etc. Then
what happens to the muscles, etc.

I'm studying massage therapy in case ya'll are wondering.

Thanks in advance.


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