A suitable dessert for the malnourishing sandwitch:
"Pros at the Con
Published: November 2, 2003"
Why I'm required to speak-out is that folks in Washington, D. C. have had open access to NDT's understanding.
I cannot look-askance.
The whole of the Citizenry is being ab-used.
It's 'Frightening' that This Nation is in a Presidential Election cycle.
Everything is becoming increasingly-Fraudulently-represented be-cause TD E/I being experienced by the in-group is becoming increasingly-correlated with 'the election'.
My Brothers-in-Arms coming-home ungreeted, unmourned, and, therefore, Officially-unappreciated, even after having Given-All, is Unacceptable.
To President Bush: Stop trying to 'force' perceptions, and start Honoring Truth.
It's late, but, after the dust has settled on your Presidency, you will want to have chosen this way.
k. p. collins
"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:xcbpb.203187$0v4.15924614 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
The 'spin':
"Economy's Surge Poses Challenge for Presidential Hopefuls
Published: November 2, 2003"
The Truth:
"More U.S. Families Hungry or Too Poor to Eat, Study Says
Published: November 2, 2003"
Quoting from the Associated Press Article:
"The report was based on a Census Bureau survey of 50,000 households. It was the third year in a row the department found an increase in the number of people who were hungry or uncertain whether they could afford their next meal."
The 'spin':
"Nickels, dimes beat taxes
By DAN RING Staff writer"
Get those votes, while 'ignoring' deficit spending, and play catch-up-accounting by Taxing the Citizenry while calling it by another name.
Personally, I expect that it's the "NL-P Medicine" stuff, etc., that I've discussed during this online 'life' that underpins the stuff reported in the first Article. I've Documented the same-stuff happening, repeatedly, over the course of the past two decades, and have discussed such, online, over the course of the last decade.
It happens be-cause the 'politicians' are so busy Lying to the Citizenry that they can't think for themselves. I come online, discuss new stuff from NDT's and TH's perspectives, corporate folks say, "Ah ha!", then proceed to hit their investors up for $.
Only problem is, they still can't think for themselves even more because, now, they've even more Lies to 'juggle'.
Meanwhile, folks're putting-off eating in order to try to cope with their fixed expenses.
Such constitutes a direct measure of Society-wide TD E/I emmanating from the prevailing economic stress that's being touted as 'success'.
That's the 'meat' of this here malnourishing 'sandwitch'.
k. p. collins
Sorry, be-cause of a malicious attack,
I've had to instruct my ISP to block all
email :-[ So, if you want to contact me,
please do it in the bionet.neuroscience.
newsgroup by posting a message.
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