The 'spin':
"Economy's Surge Poses Challenge for Presidential Hopefuls
Published: November 2, 2003"
The Truth:
"More U.S. Families Hungry or Too Poor to Eat, Study Says
Published: November 2, 2003"
Quoting from the Associated Press Article:
"The report was based on a Census Bureau survey of 50,000 households. It was the third year in a row the department found an increase in the number of people who were hungry or uncertain whether they could afford their next meal."
The 'spin':
"Nickels, dimes beat taxes
By DAN RING Staff writer"
Get those votes, while 'ignoring' deficit spending, and play catch-up-accounting by Taxing the Citizenry while calling it by another name.
Personally, I expect that it's the "NL-P Medicine" stuff, etc., that I've discussed during this online 'life' that underpins the stuff reported in the first Article. I've Documented the same-stuff happening, repeatedly, over the course of the past two decades, and have discussed such, online, over the course of the last decade.
It happens be-cause the 'politicians' are so busy Lying to the Citizenry that they can't think for themselves. I come online, discuss new stuff from NDT's and TH's perspectives, corporate folks say, "Ah ha!", then proceed to hit their investors up for $.
Only problem is, they still can't think for themselves even more because, now, they've even more Lies to 'juggle'.
Meanwhile, folks're putting-off eating in order to try to cope with their fixed expenses.
Such constitutes a direct measure of Society-wide TD E/I emmanating from the prevailing economic stress that's being touted as 'success'.
That's the 'meat' of this here malnourishing 'sandwitch'.
k. p. collins
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