Ken, what criteria would allow you to detect your being paranoid?
So someone's flooding your system with garbage messages; gosh, sounds
like poetic justice! It sounds like what YOU are busy doing to our
forum here. No matter what life does to disinvest you of a computer
you manage to reacquire access so you can continue your campaign of
subjecting this forum to your withering bombardment.
If you think it's not nice for your system to be flooded with noise
you don't want, then why do you subject this forum to mass volumes of
noise even YOU admit nobody wants?! You keep asking for respect yet
you're never willing to give it. And if you think your treated bad
here, you should visit other forums like alt.physics and sci.math and
see how cranks there get treated. By contrast this forum treats you
with alarming respect considering the unprecedented degree to which
you inundate this one small forum with unwanted noise.
You're a one-man wreaking crew. You're the bionet.neuroscience
computer virus.
I'm providing this Reality Therapy to you free of charge.
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:02:29 GMT, "KP_PC"
<k.p.collins at> wrote:
>"Des Small" <des.small at> wrote in message
>news:yyrjvfq9xujh.fsf at>| "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at> writes:
>|>| > [...]
>|>| Lots of people have had this - a machine
>| holding usenet email addresses (presumably
>| for spamming purposes) seems to have been
>| hit by a worm, with hilarious consequences.
>| I was getting >100 a day at the peak of the
>| worm.
>| [...]
>>Yeah, it can happen in a g'zillion different ways,
>which is why folks do it.
>>In my own circumstances, though, it's definitely
>not an 'inadvertant' thing. I've been watching it
>unfold for more than a decade. My inet machine
>is under continual attack - all Malicious - all heart-
>breaking, because I'm just working to lift folks
>up out of the ignorance that's ravaged Humanity
>since the Beginning.
>>Some of the 'hackers' that have attacked my
>inet machine are =very= 'sophistocated', but
>all of the attacks have one thing in-common:
>my machine gets hacked by folks who can't
>think for themselves, so they steal my thinking.
>>Which is Hilarious.
>>I give it away, anyway.
>>It's what's so Savage about the 'hacks'.
>>The folks who do it are 'seeking-advantage' in
>a way that constitutes an attack upon those who
>>I can think of little that's more-disgusting than
>this sort of thing is.
>>The biggest thing about it, with respect to me,
>is that it's Hard to continue working when I see
>all of this happening.
>>It 'dirties' my work-space - like being raped, and
>having to, nevertheless, return to the scene of the
>rape to continue working, thereby, re-experiencing
>the rape, interminably.
>>Sometimes, as is the case currently, I can only sit
>at my machine and watch the hacks doing their
>>To me, what it amounts to is a Condemnation of
>what 'america' has become - a Nation in which
>such intrusion is not only Officially-Sanctioned, but
>>It's alarming.
>>I see 'america' running head-long into an abyss.
>>Led there by Jackasses.
>>K. P. Collins