Can a haircut cause brain damage?

"..." at runbox.com "..." at runbox.com
Sun Nov 2 04:28:29 EST 2003

I have to agree with this person. I mean, talk about a paranoiac.

"Jay" <qpr@*spamfree*xtra.co.nz> wrote in message
news:FSqlb.186681$JA5.4647792 at news.xtra.co.nz...
> Time out!
> A f***ing haircut!
> Are we not built well enough, evolved long enough to be able to withstand
> vigorous hairwash?
> I'd understand complaints about particularly strong shampoos or the
> BO problem.... but a big bad comb???
> The chair is uncomfy... the comb was tough, he/she jiggled my fragile neck
> </weep>.
> Get a grip people.
> Out of curiosity... what did you say to the butcher while they had you in
> half-nelson?
> Jay

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