Correlation Tics and Intelligence?

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Nov 1 21:45:09 EST 2003

"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:z6Dob.22995$Ec1.2035357 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| NDT makes it clear that the thing to do is just
| work-harder, experience, and as one does so,
| one's nervous system will converge, over the
| long term, upon TD E/I-minimization - which is
| the essence of the experientially-augmented
| 'intelligence' that I've been discussing in this
| thread.
| [...]


Range-widely, more.

Don't 'force' things.

Just range-widely, more, until you experience
the missing pieces.


When you experience the missingpieces, it
all just falls-together.

It's the ranging-widely, more, and "remembering"
what you experience, that constitute the "work-

It's superficially-easier to just 'sit in a corner' [to
rely-in a relatively-small, well-tested [groupwise-
'safe'] repitoir of behaviors, but, look a bit more
deeply, and you'll see that you're working-harder,
anyway and not receiving anything in return
["prefrontal force", AoK, Ap7], so you might as
well have the pleasure inherent in ranging-widely,

And it is fun.

The new stuff experienced 'lights-up "inverting
reward" [AoK, Ap5, 7 & 8].

As is briefly discussed in AoK, Ap8, there's no
'guarantee' that you'll find the particular missing
piece that will enable you to solve the problem
that you're wanting to solve, but as you accumulate
experience while ranging-widely, more, you'll
experience stuff that'll allow you to solve problems
that you'd not even thought about solving.

The more you do it, the more it becomes so.

You know, "Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it
shall be opened unto you."


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