What you experienced was, and remains,
Prejudice, not Science.
Science 'moves toward' Truth.
This said, my experience within 'normal
science' has been the 'same' as yours -
It's like a 'club', with 'rules' that are co-
ersed upon all those who would be
'members', and the 'rules' 'move away
from' Truth, and actively, although 'typ-
ically' subtly, coerse 'moving away from'
I 'escaped' the system, did some stuff
that Needed to be done, only to exper-
ience my work being 'co-opted' by the
system which cannot do the work itself
be-cause it burdens itself with all its
It's 'hilarious'.
And Sorrow-filled.
It's becoming ever more apparent to me
that the system will Murder me rather than
just correcting its almost-everywhere-
agreed-to Error to Honor Truth.
Which makes it Sorrowfully-'hilarious'.
Since Science Honors Truth, all of this
stuff that Dishonors Truth is not Science,
but something other than Science.
Yet 'they' routinely 'strut' with 'chests-
puffed-out' 'because' 'they' are "Scientists -
even while routinely 'moving away from'
[Dishonoring] Truth, as was the case in
your experience.
It's a =really= Big Problem - one that is at
the roots of Humanity's self-Ravaging.
Which makes it all the more 'hilarious' - that
'science' is, itself, a Progenitor of "man's
inhumanity to man', even while it professes
to be doing "Science".
I encourage you to continue speaking-out
against all of this, but don't be disillusioned -
the 'system' is 'powerful', and routinely Pun-
ishes any who do not agree to its coersed
and coersing 'rules'.
Put your Son first, then do what you can with
what you have left after putting him first.
"ewu" <neurite at excite.com> wrote in message
news:e9d53517.0311010750.3b4c866a at posting.google.com...
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