"OmegaZero2003" <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:eeabfba6aa3cf3535dd74a9254353ed5 at news.teranews.com...
|| "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
| news:z6Dob.22995$Ec1.2035357 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...| > [...]
| > An over-abundance of neurons would only
| > 'get in the way' of convergence within the
| > global network.
||| Nah! Not at all!!
What I posted, quoted above, stands Proven.
It's simple.
Given that x neurons are required to embody
this or that 'thought' within the neural Topology,
a nervous system that has x neurons, will
converge more-rapidly, in a less-energy-con-
suming way, then will a nervous system having
x + n neurons.
The inherent energy consumption is a measure
of information-processing efficiency.
So, by imposing greater-than-necessary energy
consumption upon a nervous system's informa-
tion processing, an over-abundance of neurons
would only 'get in the way' of convergence within
the global network.
Q. E. D.
It's rather analogous to what happens in 'normal'
Research environments :-]
Why stuff that really Needs to be Done so rarely
actually is Done within 'normal' Research environ-
ments - over-abundance of folks, consuming all
the available energy relatively-wastefully.
'Normal' Research environments actually coerse
such greater-than-necessary energy consumption.
So, it not only stands Proven, it Matters greatly.
k. p. collins