John Michael Williams wrote:
>> He describes a Morse-code experiment (pulse modulation) and
> crude transmission of a few distinct words in your quote above.
> It seems almost
> certain that the experiments were about what I was suggesting:
> Pulses at maybe a kHz or two, modulated so that some semblance
> of a vocalization could be discerned. They would not
> sound like "voices" at all (I don't know anything about an
> artificial larynx). They would sound like a radio being
> interfered with, so that a buzz was coming through, and the buzz
> changing so as to sound somewhat like words.
According to Justensen, "The electrical sine-wave analogs of each word
were then processed so that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference
in the negative direction, a brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered."
Sounds like a Fourier representation, but it is not entirely clear.
The US patent is similar but has a more complicated modulation technique.
You can read the patent online. I'm not going to debate the quality of
the sound because I do not have the data. It does seem to be generally
accepted that voices can be transmitted, and certainly they've researched
making the sound as realistic as possible.
Here's a quote from a short article by Lin (presumably relating to
"A train of RF pulses could be perceived as a tune corresponding to
the pulse repetition rate"
> > There is also a US patent for a device based on this principle. Devices
> > based on microwave hearing have been discussed in certain military circles
> > for years, for use in covert operations and psychological warfare.
>> Well, I don't find that convincing. We've had actual military
> funding on "faster-than-light travel", or perpetual motion machines.
> I think NASA CURRENTLY is funding research on perpetual motion --
> the "hydrino" theory of hydrogen energy, I think.
Stealth airplanes, atomic bombs, ...
> I don't think much useful data could be
> obtained without experimental controls implying
> consent. So, secret, nonconsenting studies would
> generally be a waste of tima and money.
I wish this were the case, but with weapons tests it often has
not been. The MKULTRA researchers specifically wanted subjects
who were unwitting, for example. And who volunteers for a terminal
With regard to your comments on an academic conspiracy, here is
a good link from a book by Robert Becker, describing the conspiracy
to conceal knowledge of non-thermal electromagnetic bioeffects:
Mind Control: TT&P ==>
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