BLASPHEMY: brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Gray Shockley gray at compcomm.com
Thu Jan 23 20:54:18 EST 2003

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 18:31:10 -0600, Richard August wrote
(in message <iP%X9.398$N5.280813 at nnrp1.ptd.net>):

> Dear John,
>     The Federal Judge who received the Class-Action lawsuit against Mickey
> Dee's by parents who claimed their food made their kids obese, had the
> WISDOM and FORESIGHT to throw the piece of _____ out of court.  The judge
> apparently terminated the case WITH PREJUDICE, from the way I understand the
> news.

Wrong; there was one way to replead the case. Details available at sources 
over than your tv.

>     There is a God in Heaven, and He put Wisdom and Knowledge into at least
> ONE of our judges.  May God raise more judges with equal wisdom and
> foresight.

They're God's judges if they agree with you, eh, Bubba?

Gray Shockley
Pain is evitable but suffering is optional.

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