I thought readers of bionet.neuroscience might be interested in this
book. For more information, please visit
http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262083094/ Thank you!
The Asymmetrical Brain
edited by Kenneth Hugdahl and Richard J. Davidson
The folk belief that the left brain hemisphere is dominant for language
and the right for visuospatial functions is incomplete and even
misleading. Research shows that asymmetries exist at all levels of the
nervous system and apply to emotional as well as to higher cognitive
processes. Going beyond their previous book, Brain Asymmetry, this book
reflects the most recent thinking on functional asymmetries and their
structural correlates in brain anatomy. It emphasizes research using new
neuroimaging and neurostimulation techniques such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI and fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET),
magnetoencephalography (MEG), and transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS). It also considers clinical applications of asymmetry research.
The book contains seven sections: animal models and basic functions,
neuroimaging and brain stimulation studies, visual laterality, auditory
laterality, emotional laterality, neurological disorders, and
psychiatric disorders.
Kenneth Hugdahl is Professor of Biological and Medical Psychology at the
University of Bergen, Norway. Richard J. Davidson is the William James
and Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the
University of Wisconsin. They are coeditors of Brain Asymmetry (MIT
Press, 1994). Davidson is also coeditor of Foundations in Social
Neuroscience (MIT Press, 2001).
John J. B. Allen, Marie T. Banich, Alan A. Beaton, Craig W. Berridge,
Gerard E. Bruder, Christopher F. Chabris, James A. Coan, Richard J.
Davidson, Mark A. Eckert, Rodrigo A. España, John J. Foxe, Karl J.
Friston, Michael F. Green, Onur Güntürkün, Michel Habib, Wendy Heller,
Kenneth Hugdahl, Lutz Jäncke, Robert S. Kern, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Nancy
Koven, Bruno Laeng, Maryse Lassonde, Christiana M. Leonard, Gregory A.
Miller, Daniel S. O'Leary, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Diego Pizzagalli,
Fabrice Robichon, Clifford D. Saron, Hannelore C. Sauerwein, Charles E.
Schroeder, Mark J. Sergi, Alexander J. Shackman, Thomas A. Stalnaker,
Helmuth Steinmetz, Akaysha C. Tang, Herbert G. Vaughan, Jr., Vincent
Walsh, Robert J. Zatorre.
7 x 9, 732 pp., 119 illus., 10 color, cloth, ISBN 0-262-08309-4
A Bradford Book