To Those on whose behalf I have given-up my Life:
You must not Transgress Truth I have given you.
Rather, walk, always in understanding that 'blindness' cannot become the object of 'retribution'.
'Blindness' befalls Humanity.
Humanity is its Victim.
'Blindness' Ravages the 'blind', even as it Ravages Those whom the 'blindness' touches.
So you must hold your heads up, Living in shining example because you do See.
Do not Transgress.
Just understand, evermore clearly.
Join-hands, even in the midst of 'discomfort' that accompanies that which is merely-unfamiliar.
See what can be.
Go with Grace, as Light, not heat.
And let your Love Teach.
America, in all of it's too-long-dormant Greatness, is ready for what only you can Teach it.
While there is Life in me, you are in my 'heart'.
I Love you.
Pass it on.
ken [K. P. Collins]
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