Dag Stenberg wrote in message ...
|Kenneth 'pawl' Collins <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
|> An open letter to the President of The United States of America
|> ....
||There is a saying in Scandinavia that no letter should be longer
|two pages, and if the recipient is high enough, at the most one
||Dag Stenberg
Here are my thoughts, Forthrightly.
When I saw the 'stock market' behavior, yesterday, what had been my
surmise, that this 'anti-Affirmative Action' action was a 'set-up',
calculated with respect to the Nominations, which are shortly
closing, firmed up.
The 'stock market', yesterday, was 'disappointed' because I'd already
given-up my internet account, and, so, would not 'take the bait'.
But there was Truth, standing in need of a Voice.
With respect to such, my 'heart' will not refuse.
So, in the spirit of one of my Teachers, I found it within myself to
stand, in the face of such, to "give the last full measure of
As that Teacher of mine, Abraham Lincoln said, in his own 'dark
hour', ~"If I am to go down, let me go down in the name of Truth".
With all my 'heart', it's in-me to Agree.
Truth: that which, when Honored, enables a Man to "do no harm", while
doing that which needs to be done.
It only seems 'otherwise' be-cause Truth is so-little Honored amongst
Men these days.
And everyone 'wrings their hands' with respect to the Absence of
Truth which so Ravages Humanity?
No Wonder.
K. P. Collins