Please help: What's the best anti SAD light?

Gene Douglas genedoug at prodigy.net
Wed Jan 15 22:07:07 EST 2003

If you can't afford the lights, a second response would be to walk or sit
outdoors an hour or so each day.  If the weather is bad, sit in a window
with the sun in your face.  (It isn't necessary to stare at the sun.)  If
you don't have windows in the right part of the house, go to a restaurant
and sit in the sun near a window.

"Thorin" <thorin_0akenshield at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Tk8V9.10213$315.2736165992 at newssvr10.news.prodigy.com...
Though extremely well-balanced the rest of the year, a friend of mine seems
to suffer from SAD during the winter months. I'm trying to talk her into
getting counseling, but in the mean time, she's at least consented to trying
light therapy.

I know nothing about SAD lights (other than that in many cases, they're
supposed to help), so I'm wondering: Among brands/models available over the
night, does anyone have recommendations?

I'll try to check here as often as possible for responses, but replies by
e-mail would help assure I don't miss what you have to say.

Thanks in advance for your trouble.

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