I am going offline with a lot of 'trepidation' with respect to
international 'political' dynamics.
I would've liked to've been able to stay online through spring and
summer, so I could speak-up, both publicly and 'privately', with
respect to the groupwise interactive dynamics entailed.
I've been 'wondering' if I should spend my last $50 in two-months of
that way.
It's been my experience that things tent to 'go off the deep end' if
I'm not out-there, calling folks to-task [which saying, I understand,
will tend to raise folks' eyebrows, but I can verify it].
It's almost the whole of my Sorrow - most folks 'think' that I'm some
sort of 'control freak', but all I am is one who Loves folks enough
to want to 'intervene' within the Tragic dynamics in which folks're
'blindly' and automatically co-operating.
To do it, understanding the withering 'heat' that'll come from the
folks on whose behalf I'm working, fairly sucks the :ife out of one.
Still it needs to be done, and what's 'bothering' me, even as I write
this, is that I'm being selfish about the use of my last $50.
"Damned if I do. Damned if I don't."
"Oh well."