Science in the News

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Jan 14 15:47:21 EST 2003

I've only got a few hours left before I have to give up my internet account, so, in 'scratching my head' with respect to how best to use those hours, one thing that came up is as follows.
I've gone over it in the past, but I want to clarify it one more 'time'. TD E.I-minimization is just the rigorous Maths through which nervous systems converge upon behavioral by-production.
Yup. The wellspring of such Rigor is what I want to clarify [again :-]
The "TD", in "TD E/I-minimization, stands for "Topologically-Distributed", which refers directly to the neural Topology - the neural architecture - which is just the 'fancy' Geometry of the 'twists, turns, crossings, and mappings' of the neural pathways of nervous systems.
The neural Topology is Rigorously-coupled to the Geometry of the body-environment interface [Sensory: the skin's tactile receptors; the retina of the eyes, the choclea and vestibular apparatae of the ear; taste and smell receptors, with respect to which the 'Geometry' is a bit more primitive, being, primarily, addressing of 'memory' re. binary attraction\avoidance; Motor: the mapping of the effectors, including internal hormonal stuff that transforms 'attraction\avoidance' vectors].
Between Sensory inputs and Motor outputs, the neural topology is mapped in a way that, despite the 'twists & truns', Epicritic\Protopathic interactions [AoK, Ap3 & 5], etc., preserves the Geometry of the body-environment interface.
So, when "TD E/I-minimization" occurs, it does not occur as some 'amorphous' 'globular' 'guesswork'.
Rather, as TD E/I-minimization occurs, the neural architecture literally calculates, in a massively-parallel way, the 'address' of the 'appropriately' correlated experientially-derived 'memories', aligns these 'memories', in rigorous accord with the Geometry of the body-environment interface, in order to use the 'memories' as a 'template' for converging upon effector activations that are 'appropriate' with respect to the energydynamics that're occurring at the body-environment interface.
All this is achieved, in milli-second 'time' frame, via simple TD E/I-minimization, during which calculational Rigor is maintained [more or less, in a way that derives in degree of information-content-correlated experience], because the neural architecture is, in fact, rigorously mapped with respect to the Geometry of the body-environment interface.
So there is real, Rigorous, Maths going on within nervous systems. There is real calculation. Part of why it tends to seem otherwise is because the Maths capabilities of nervous systems are flat-out of astronomical proportions relative to commonplace examples of calculational processes.
Nervous systems were engineered to render the Maths they do 'invisible', so it'd stay out of the way, allowing the by-products of the Maths' happening to stand, 'center-stage', within 'consciousness'.
But the Maths still happens in all it's Rigorous 'glory'.
The easiest way to see it is through a comprehension of the mapping of the neural Topology - to see that everything within the slightest scrap neural dynamics is Rigorously topologically-aligned with the Geometry of the body-environment interface so that convergence upon 'appropriate' behavioral by-broducts can occur via simple TD E.I-minimization.
As experience accrues, experience, itself, determines physical alignment within the neural architecture, in a way that preserves the mapping of the Geometry of the body-environment interface while, simultaneously, incorporating experience.
That is, what's been referred to as 'memory' is, itself, nothing more than detailed neural-topological alignment, having more or less "biological mass".
The neural Topology encodes. TD E/I-minimization 'activates' [enlivens].

so, when I say, "It's all just TD E/I-minimization", the above is what I mean.
k. p. collins [ken]
    Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message <6MBS9.31815$p_6.2679705 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net>...
    "Fly Ball or Frisbee, Fielder and Dog Do the Same Physics", By YUDHIJIT BHATTACHARJEE
    Quoting from the article:
    "Researchers say there is no clear evidence to show whether organisms have an instinct for the calculus involved in pursuing a target, or whether they learn it unconsciously, by trial and error."
    It's all just TD E/I-minimization.
    Quoting from the article:
    "Some believe that while the neural mechanisms used in computing an interception course are hard-wired in the brain, specific tasks must be learned."
    It's all just TD E/I-minimization.
    Quoting from the article:
    "Both dogs and humans seem to have the innate ability to track an object flying through three-dimensional space by using information in the two-dimensional image on their retina," Dr. Shaffer said. "Through experience, they learn to apply this instinct to catch a ball or a Frisbee."
    =Everything= that happens within the nervous system happens in 4-D, hich is just 3-D energy gradients' 3-D directionalities 'pointing' to each other. All nervous systems do is 'strive' to 'blindly' and automatically achieve TD E/I-minimization within this 4-space.
    Quoting from the article:
    "The ability to make smooth pursuit eye movements appears very rapidly over just a few weeks of development," Dr. von Hofsten said. "Such rapid emergence indicates that the ability for predictive tracking is a result of new connections being established in the cerebral cortex rather than something that the infant learns from experience."
    It's 'hilarious' - he thinks that, if the subjects were blind, they'd still be able to do it.
    What's my 'point'? 
    The fact that viable sensory reception is required discloses that even that which is considered to be 'instinctual' [in this visual-tracking problem] is actually subject to activation-dependent neural trophy - that is, it's subject to learning.
    Sometimes, my eyes just fill with tears when I witness the rampant stupidity that derives in the 'group-think' that's coersed upon grad students in Neuroscience.
    When will folks in Neuroscience call themselves to task in the realization that our Science is too important fore it to be relegated into the hands of a 'social club' mentality, in which any old hot-air 'argument' gains 'the nod'.
    Folks in Neuroscience must learn to think and argue, critically.
    And stop publishing the same errors over and over again at 5, 10, 20, etc. -year intervals.
    It's 'hilarious'. Folks in Neuroscience 'get together', and accept any ol' B.S. as long as it's embedded in the 'neuroscientifically'-correct social context.
    And what's really 'hilarious', all the Jackasses that agree to 'acquiesce' in this way, also 'conspire' to lock-out folks like me who will not forsake Science in order to gain admission to the 'club'.
    It's Pathetic.
    It makes me want to throw-up.
    People are Suffering and Dying all over the place; others to 'frustrated' that they've taken to 'terrorist' Murder, etc., etc., etc., and 'neuroscience' just ho-hums its Responsibilities with respect to all of this.
    Hell, 'neuroscience' is flat-out sticking its tail between its legs and running away from it's Responsibilities.
    Publishing the same ol' B.S. over and over again.
    "Ain't it grand?"
    K. P. Collins
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