Tapered Harmony - Brookhaven RHIC

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Jan 14 14:52:42 EST 2003

further comments, below.
    Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message ...
    There's a decent Flash video at the NYT URL.
    I stand on what I've posted, with the following 'clarification':
    The SSW<->UES expansion phase dynamics are =clearly= visible In the video of a 'typical'(?) collision event.
    Within this primary SSW<->UES dynamic, also clearly visible are ~'symmetrically'-distributed SSW<-<UES sub-harmonics. These form as a result of the 'encapsulating' action of the UES, which, in this video, is clearly seen to be acting even in the midst of the explosive expansion of the collision.
    Which, if it's not clear, defines the route through which the UES-'pressure' can be measured, in terms of the energies that comprise the 'explosive' observables at RHIC.
    The same stuff is observable, to degree correlated to the relative energies involved, in all accelerator collision dynamics, not only at RHIC.
    k. p. collins
    I presume that these SSW<->UES sub-harmonics are what's being referred to as 'quark'-'gluon' 'particles', but they are =just= the relatively-symmetrical encapsulation-'probing' of the low-ephemerance [minimal-energy's-freedom-to-move]spatial distribution that constitutes the collision's explosion - such encapsulation dynamics conform to least-action paths, and, therefore, =do not= honor any of the 'rules' for 'quarks' or 'gluons'.
    What've been referred to as 'quarks' and 'gluons' are fictions through which Physicists have attempted a probabilistic version of 'encapsulation' of the experimental data - in persuing such 'encapsulation', Physics has been emulating physical reality, without seeing physical reality.
    And physical reality is ROLFL-ing at how it so 'pulls-the-strings' within Physicists' deliberations, while Physicists remain 'blind' to it.
    That the stuff being encapsulated within the ~'symmetrically'-distributed AAW<->UES sub-harmonics is =just= energy - infinitely-divisible - will be Confirmed in every collider experiment that's ever run, no matter how high the applied energies climb. All that will happen as applied energies climb will be that UES-encapsulation dynamics, infinitely-divisible energy, and the least-action paths that UES-encapsulation follows, will become easier to see.
    K. P. Collins
        Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message ...
        "In a Lab on Long Island, a Visit to the Big Bang", By WILLIAM J. BROAD
        [All quotes © 2003, by The New York Times.]
        Quoting from the article:
        "While most particles fly out with little energy - hindered, it seems, by the dense plasma - others have more than theory predicts. `The created matter is very opaque, very dense," said Dr. Busza of M.I.T. `Also, something new seems to be happening. I'm not sure what. Nature is telling us that there is some underlying simplicity here that we don't understand at the moment.`"
        The underpinning simplicity is as it disclosed in the QBasic apps I've been posting. 
        The 'lethargic' results are analogous to the two-compartment, two-fluid set-up I've discussed in prior posts. What RHIC does is analogous to "yanking the compartment separator", and the SSW<->UES harmonics, literally, damp each other as they merge in collision.
        The 'excess-energy' events are the result of optimal 'nucleation' interaction that gets a boost from the closely-post-nucleation-limit, expansion-phase SSW<->UES harmonics, which are, literally, explosive at this point in the harmonics - occurs in a predictable portion of the collision events, in that it's proportional to the 'time' that the individual gold ions spend in that extremely-narrow portion of the SSW<->UES harmonics.
        "`We're seeing a strong suppression,` Dr. Aronson said. `We think that's because of energy loss in the hot medium.` The suppression, physicists note, is but one of the expected signs."
        As above.
        "A small detector, Brahms, seeks to measure small bursts of particles emerging from collisions at very specific angles, giving insights into their momentum and other characteristics."
        Tapered Harmony predicts that the 'jets' that are observed are deterministic in terms of the SSW<->UES harmonics. What happens is that the 'jets' correlate rigorously to the portion of the SSW<-<UES harmonics with which they interact.
        The Geometry of the 'jets' derives in the spherical Geometry of the SSW<->UES harmonics as is demonstrated in the Compton 'scattering' apps I've posted.
        The separation of the 'jets' derives in the way that accelerator collisions set-up sub-harmonics within the primary SSW<->UES harmonics. The sub-harmonics rebound, then the next 'jet' of particles occurs, but be-cause the primary SSW<->UES harmonic has progressed in it's phase, the new 'jet' 'sprays' in a direction that reflects the progression of the SSW<->UES conpression-expansion harmonics. 
        "The physicists say that new experiments, which began on Sunday night, should help answer some of the riddles and build evidence that RHIC has succeeded in producing a quark-gluon plasma."
        The experiment will yield negative results, here. No so-called 'quarks' exist within physical reality, nor any so-called 'gluons'.
        RHIC will find that the SSW<->UES harmonics are divisible beyond the 'level' of so-called 'quarks' - that is, RHIC will see that divisibility tends toward infinity... which is a far more significant result than would be seeing 'quarks' and 'gluons'.
        So RHIC will be a success - just different than the 'success' it was set-up to pursue.
        K. P. Collins
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