Dynamic Systems and Inferential Information Processing in Human Communication

Bernhard Fink bernhard.fink at aon.at
Mon Jan 13 14:22:41 EST 2003

Dynamic Systems and Inferential Information Processing in Human


Neuroendocrinology Letters,2002; 23(suppl 4):15-22

Research in human communication on an ethological basis is almost
obsolete. The reasons for this are manifold and lie partially in
methodological problems connected to the observation and description
of behavior, as well as the nature of human behavior itself. In this
chapter, we present a new, non-intrusive, technical approach to the
analysis of human non-verbal behavior, which could help to solve the
problem of categorization that plagues the traditional approaches.
We utilize evolutionary theory to propose a new theory-driven
methodological approach to the multi-unit multi-channel
modulation problem of human nonverbal communication. Within this
concept, communication is seen as context-dependent (the meaning of
a signal is adapted to the situation), as a multi-channel and a
multi-unit process (a string of many events interrelated in
communicative space and time), and as related to the function it
serves. Such an approach can be utilized to successfully bridge the
gap between evolutionary psychological research, which focuses on
social cognition adaptations, and human ethology, which describes
every day behavior in an objective, systematic way.


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