Quantum effects in the brain

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jan 12 12:52:51 EST 2003

Peter F wrote in message ...
|"Kenneth 'pawl' Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
|news:b2jT9.102982$hK4.8364149 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
|> You see, Franz, as anything is 'learned' such 'learning' takes the
|> form of microscopic trophic [growth] modifications within a
|> system.
|> Until such micromods occur within a nervous system, in a way
|> rigorously correlated with an information set via neural impulse
|> activity that, itself, is rigorously correlated with the
|> set, the nervous system cannot even 'think' a 'thought' that's
|> correlated with the information set.
|That includes yourself

Of course.

|and your selectively

I disagree. I've done all that I could with what was available to me,
and I'm not 'hanging my head, Peter.

NDT is leading Neuroscience, and via a compound route, all of
Science, into their unified future.

If there will be a future for anything, that is. I presently cannot
discern whether there will, in fact, be a future.

I encourage you to 'vent' to those who've engineered the correlated
mess, rather than me, who, with ample 'time' for it's preclusion,
predicted its coming and who, so seeing, devoted himself to working
to prevent its coming.

But all I get are 'recriminations', not =like= yours, but analogous
to yours, that, somehow, with my hands virtually tied, and dozens of
Jackasses virtually standing on my chest, I've 'not done enough'.

Talk to the folks who've so 'tied my hands', talk to the Jackasses
who've just Failed to Live that which they Profess to live for.
You'll find that, in my case, what they have 'lived for' is to assure
my 'silence'. So, ask them. "Why?"

I have so asked, but no one responds when I so ask.

You know, Peter, it's even cost me being able to find employment
through which I can feed and shelter myself. What more do you want me
to give?

What would you have me 'select' that's in my power to 'select'?

|deficient interpretation

I don't disagree, here - it's just that it's not through my own
Choice. I've been deliberately, through others' Choices, locked out,
in an attempt to 'quietly' 're-engineer' stuff in accord with the
'objections' I've raised, without having to face Truth inherent in
allowing me to exist in any 'normal' way.

With few exceptions, the community of resarchers has tacitly worked
toward this end, in which, it has seemed to me, the 'game' has been
to take from me anything through which I could possibly sustain my
Being, as soon as possible following my exposing its existence.

With respect to such, I see that I mis-spoke, above. With respect to
such, I have 'exposed' stuff 'selectively' - choosing to withhold
that which is 'beyond' the level of the stuff that I have discussed,
lest folks 'sprain' themselves in attempting to do with it, that
which they've done with what I've 'selected' for sharing.

As you can see, I'm quite miserable, and, today, not interested in
putting on a happy face.


|of |brains and your own life. That is, a self-regulatory selectively
|compromising deficiency - at least in the 'fields of
|awareness (or ditto levels of consciousness) - reflexively
maintained in
|order that you (you only as an easy to spot example) may stay
clear - may
|keep focusing "actention" _away_ - of/from your own 'CURSES'
|addressing the "micromodded" aftermaths of traumatizing
circumstances that I
|with near certainty assume have impacted on you during your early
|P.S. You may be (in a certain sense) more clever, in compromised way
|[compromised by adversely conditioning circumstances that may
suitably and
|deservedly be briefly described as "selective Hibernation imploring"
|situations eventuated back in your early environment)], than most of
|philosophical or neuroscientific foes.
|But their kind of largely likewise compromised intellect (or
|stupidity) better serve and reflect the AEVASIVE mind-set of the
|academic and wider majority. D.S.
|I hope you (all) agree! %-}

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