Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message ...
|Bill Vajk wrote in message <3E1E0B6F.5090506 at>...
||Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote:
||||> It's 'hilarious', and admittedly, not undeservedly so - you've
||> into a discussion that;s been going on for going on two decades,
||> bringing up stuff that's been hammered on infinitum, and are
||> obviously, feeling rather 'smug' with respect to what you offer.
||||Well perhaps you shouldn't have disregarded it for two decades in
||which alternative it is likely you'd be eating better. Glad you
||think it hilarious though. I think it pretty funny in a pathetic
||sort of way that you've been promoting the same looser ideas for
||so long.
||'Disregarded' what?
||What's 'hilarious' is that you come out of the blue proposing a lot
|of stuff that's been taken care of in NDT for decades already, which
|validates my 'begging' via the substance of your supposedly
|'over-driven', 'complexity', blah, blah, blah, because I resolved
|of the issues you brought up, and, indeed all that you or anyone
|can bring up - in terms of the way that their hierarchical
|resolutions are actualized within nervous systems.
CORRECTION: although I'd integrated generalized immune system
function, I'd not yet explicitly integrated the dynamics of allergic
reactions, which the other poster brought up.
Interesting problem - I'll instantiate a thread and let the ol'
noggin' lab start collecting correlated info.
I Apologize for my correlated mis-statment.
k. p. collins
|So, by dint of your position, I guess the work I've accomplished is
|pretty special - you know, if great, big-number-throwing-around
|like yours can't propose anything that's not already resolved
|in-there :-]
||Guess I've got a right to 'beg'. Thanks for your support :-]
|||[Deliberately hurtful, 3rd-party ref deleted.]
|||Please add insanity to the list I provided earlier.
||k. p. collins