Quantum effects in the brain

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jan 10 13:01:31 EST 2003

It's 'hilarious' - Milton Friedman, et.al., were 'wrong' - obviously,
there =is= such a thing as a 'free lunch' - NDT will've so 'fed'
every man, woman, and Child, on the face of the planet, before it's
through doing what's in it to do.

I'm the only one who'll not be so 'fed'-for-free.

All things considered, it kind of reminds me of what My Mentor did ~
2000 years ago :-]

k, p, collins

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message ...
|Bill Vajk wrote in message <3E1D952A.5020903 at hotmail.com>...
||Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote:
||> And 'you' are going to just let me starve?
||> Forgive me, I've earned the right to eat - I know such with
||> Certainty.
||> I'm not in-Error in that expectation.
||> So why am I in-fact, on the verge of starvation?
||> Why?
||> I know my contributions to the field are sufficient.
||Fast food may be your answer, at the dumpster or in the
||kitchen, your choice.
||> Haven't I begged sufficiently?
||Since you're into begging:
||There's a fellow who stands on the median at an intersection
||in San Diego with a large sign that says, I am homeless and
||I have cancer."
||Try variations of the pity sign.
||The world owes you nothing.
||William J. Vajk
||Techny,  Illinois
|I Agree, but you see, I'm obliged to stay alive, so it's either the
|one way or the other.
|Just want to take it to the extreme in allowing folks opportunity to
|demonstrate what their Choices are.
|And to persist in hope that there are, in fact, others who Honor
|K. P. Collins

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