"Kenneth 'pawl' Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
news:b2jT9.102982$hK4.8364149 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> Franz Heymann wrote in message ...
> |
> |"Kenneth 'pawl' Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
> |message
> |news:EQbT9.102548$hK4.8330868 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...> |> Why not?
> |>
> |> I do it when I realize, after posting the first thing, that
> there's
> |> more that needs to be said with respect to what I'd posted -
> needed
> |> clarification.
> |>
> |> Is there something 'wrong' with doing this?
> |>
> |> I find it unacceptable to withhold info that I've realized is
> |> pertinent, and, in the context of this or that that I've posted,
> |> possibly not obvious.
> |>
> |> Again, why not do so?
> |>
> |
> |On the other hand, snce your posts are invariably meaningless
> drivel,
> |has it not occured to you that it might be easier not to post at
> all?
> |
> |And if you find that impossible, desist from top posting.
> |
> |[...]
>> The stuff I'm discussing is likely to be unfamiliar to folks, and
> therefore 'difficult'.
>> That results, within nervous systems of those who're relatively
> ignorant with respect to it, an illusion of there 'being drivel' :-]
>> You see, Franz, as anything is 'learned' such 'learning' takes the
> form of microscopic trophic [growth] modifications within a nervous
> system.
>> Until such micromods occur within a nervous system, in a way that's
> rigorously correlated with an information set via neural impulse
> activity that, itself, is rigorously correlated with the information
> set, the nervous system cannot even 'think' a 'thought' that's
> correlated with the information set.
>> It's what you're experiencing re. what I post, and I suggest you
> either put aside trivialities, like the way I format my posts, and
> work, a bit, to actually comprehend the stuff I'm discussing, or
> your own advice and just 'go away', otherwise, all you can do is
> demonstrate your ignorance with respect to the stuff I'm discussing.
>> Don't take this as a 'put-down'. It's all just in the facts of how
> nervous systems process information, and, therefore, sharing such
> understanding is verifiably the kindest thing that anyone can do for
> another.
>> 'Course, such seldom 'penetrates' for the first decade or so :-]
Since your posts contain no physics, perhaps you might consider
removing physics from your cross post list.
You would then attract less fire fron physicists.
Franz Heymann