Quantum effects in the brain

Franz Heymann Franz.Heymann at btopenworld.com
Thu Jan 9 18:09:48 EST 2003

"KeithC" <choqueke at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:4f3a72c4.0301091004.56bb04ed at posting.google.com...
> The collapse of the quantum mechanical vector is intimately tied to
> the observation of the system so why is it "downright silly" to
> suggest that consciousness plays a causal role in the process?

Because I think there is an external world which does its thin
irrespectively of whether I am awake, asleep, or indeed dead.

>  The
> fundamental problem I see is that we have become accustomed to
> thinking about the world of both physics and biology in mechanistic
> terms that don't fit with the more recent work of Penrose, Hameroff
> and others.  But there is a growing body of data suggesting that
> consequential events occur at the smallest scale in the nervous
> system.

The smallest scale in the nervous system is q quite gross scale in
atomic terms.

  There is a great deal more processing going on within the
> neuron than that directly associated with axonal spiking.  For
> instance,
> http://www.emergentmind.org/choquetteI2.htm


Would you please obey netiquette and cease top posting.  You keep
laying hell out of your own threads.

Franz Heymann

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