Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote:
> And 'you' are going to just let me starve?
> Forgive me, I've earned the right to eat - I know such with
> Certainty.
> I'm not in-Error in that expectation.
> So why am I in-fact, on the verge of starvation?
> Why?
> I know my contributions to the field are sufficient.
Fast food may be your answer, at the dumpster or in the
kitchen, your choice.
> Haven't I begged sufficiently?
Since you're into begging:
There's a fellow who stands on the median at an intersection
in San Diego with a large sign that says, I am homeless and
I have cancer."
Try variations of the pity sign.
The world owes you nothing.
William J. Vajk
Techny, Illinois