BLASPHEMY: brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Thu Jan 9 02:09:33 EST 2003

Sic Semper Snivel-rights-R-us to you too );



Richard August wrote:
> Guess what, John?
> Recently, the parents of about 7 obese children sued McDonalds Restaurants
> for "causing" their children to become overweight.  One, a 14 year old black
> boy, weighs over 400 lbs.
> Just thought I'd let ya know.  Sic Semper Snivel-rights-us.
> Sincerely,
> Richard C. August.
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
> news:c0vN9.42026$vb3.1960122 at news2.west.cox.net...
>>"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
>>news:au08eh$6be$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
>>>In article <z_vM9.8680$vb3.666838 at news2.west.cox.net> "John Knight"
>><jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
>>><"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
>>><news:qbuuvu8hunofjbql58q23p9kjmnj50tqnn at 4ax.com...
>>><> cary at afone.as.arizona.edu (Cary Kittrell) wrote:
>>><> >Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.  What I want to know is: HOW COME YOU
>>><> >*WAY* MORE LINES THAN I DO?  Don't John and I go back years and
> years?
>>><> I dunno.  I've been a thorn in his side since 1998 or so.  And a
>>><> pretty nasty thorn, since I am at least as stubborn as he is.
>>><> >I demand recompense.  And graphics.
>>><> I didn't see any graphics, but I doubt that he has any of me.
>>><> >I bet you're youngier.
>>><> Too close to 50
>>><> >And prettier.
>>><> Not too many 400 pound guys are called "pretty".
>>><> lojbab
>>><oh, man, doesn't that explain everything!?
>>>        {...}
>>><Wouldn't it be easier just to go on a diet?
>>>He could, if he so wishes.
>>>You're stuck being you.
>>>-- cary
>>Thank God for small favors.
>>This does explain why I've always thought he was a fathead.
>>No wonder he supports affirmative action--at the rate this putative
>>Christian nation is going, porkers will be a snivel rights group all by
>>John Knight

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