BLASPHEMY: brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Richard August raugust at ptd.net
Sun Jan 5 17:09:35 EST 2003

Dear Joseph, or is it IVAN?

    Oooooo, you reeeeeealllllyy frighten me.  You see, I was LIVING in
EUROPE courtesy of the US Army when ALL this was going on.  You know, the
Cold War, the Fall of the Wall, Erich Honecker, the Stasi, and all that

    I remember the 2 Km turn-around zone, the Hof Border Tour, and FLAG
orders permitting a US Soldier to pass through the "corridor" on the drive
to West Berlin.

    No, Mr. Nagy, I could NEVER have lived through that just prior to
Operation Desert Storm and my separation from the US Army in Saudi Arabia, 1
week after the air war started in Iraq.  I could NEVER have seen Dachau
Concentration Camp or smelled its outdoor oven, or seen its in-processing
barracks.  I could NEVER remember seeing or hearing about the Soviet
Military Liaison Misson (SMLM) observing all our then-current military
manoeuvres, could I?

    Go ahead.  Kill me.  You can NEVER kill the TRUTH, Mr. Nagy.


Richard C. August

"Joseph A Nagy Jr" <jan-jr-ent at charter.net> wrote in message
news:pan.2003. at charter.net...
> In article <Lt7R9.1834$Xy2.1635322 at nnrp1.ptd.net>, "Richard August"
> <raugust at ptd.net> wrote the following in an attempt to either be witty or
> informative:
> > Dear John:
> >
> > One tiny thing you forget, is that The USSR had, at one time, both
> > INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Rubles.  The External Rubles were used for foreign
> > and inter-governmental trade, and traded at a much different value than
> > did their Internal Counterparts.  The Internal Rubles were the Rubles
> > actually earned and used by the guy on the street.
> >
> > Whether the current government of Russia still uses Internal and
> > External Rubles or not, I do not know.  This really does not matter,
> > because the Russian Economy has historically performed very unstably.
> > Vladimir Putin seems to have begun to put Russia's economy back on the
> > map, certainly with lots of foreign aid, but isn't that what happened
> > with Leonid Brezhnev, also, with US Government supplies of wheat in the
> > 1970s?
> >
> > So much for Nikolai Ulyanov's argument that "we shall buy the raw
> > materiels from the West, and use them to make the rope which we shall
> > use to hang them."  Ulyanov is dead.  So is John Reed.  So is every
> > other 1917 Jewish revolutionary who called himself a hero after he
> > changed his name to remove its 'jewishness'.
> >
> > Meanwhile, pass the vodka, please?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> > Richard C. August
> <snip>
> You fucknuts are STILL at it? OMFG! You stupid Nazi bastards. You just
> entered my kill file, dick weed.
> --
> http://faqs.org/faqs/usenet/legends/godwin/

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