clarification below.
Kenneth 'pawl' Collins wrote in message ...
|Anyway, re. "how every so-called [Sorry] 'particle' gains its
|observable qualities - even while it remains continuous with all
|other energy":
||It all derives in Tapered Harmony's reconceptualization of
|been referred to as "atoms" as spherical standing waves that're
|harmonic compression-expansion interaction with a continuous
|surrounding energy supply - SSW<->UES harmonics.
||This's what's schematically represented in all the QBasic apps I
|posted in the recent past, and I presume folks who are interested
|in testing what I'll discuss here will've saved one or more
|versions of those apps.
||The crucial thing, with respect to the topic of this msg [the
|"newer" stuff that I referred to in the post[s] to which this msg
|is in reply] is that, as the SSW<->UES harmonics continuously
|unfold, the energy densities of both the 'nucleating' [central]
|'portion of the SSW and the peripheral 'shelling' 'portion' of
|SSW, undergo cyclical variation.
||Incoming energy [in the form of spherical wave shells [SWS],
|having various magnitude, will interact with the energy 'trapped'
|in the 'nucleating' and/or 'shelling' 'portions of the SSW<->UES
|harmonic in rigorous accord with the 'instantaneous' energy
|gradients in 'nuc' and 'shell', which is, of course, rigorously
|subhect to the continuously-varying spherical Geometry of the
|SSW<->UES harmonic.
||What this means is that the incoming SWS will 'see' 'shell' and
|'nuc' energy gradients which are, themselves, continuously
|with the SSW Geometry, and be-cause the SWS is, itself, a
|compression-expansion harmonic, there is a rigorous periodicity
|the energy interaction dynamics.
||In the case of SWS interaction with the SWS while it's energy
|density is 'shell'-dominant, the curvature of the SSW is
|relatively 'gentle, and and so is the energy distribution within
|the relatively large 'shell', so all the SWS<->SSW interactions
|that'll occur will reflect commensurate energy transitions and
|directionality refractions - the observables will be feferred to
|as pertaining to "leptons", and correlated to the so-called 'weak
||The same is True with respect to SWS<->SSW interactions during
|'nucleation'-dominant 'portion' of the SSW<->UES harmonics, only,
|be-cause the energy densities are relatively greater during
|'nucleation', and be-cause the 'nucleating' curvature tends
|relative extremes, resultant energy transitions and
|changes will both tend to be relatively greater than is in the
|case with respect to SSW 'shelling' dynamics - the observable
|be referred to as pertaining to "hadrons", and correlated to the
|so-called 'strong interaction'
||What's been referred to as "antimatter" is not some sort of
|'contray' form of energy 'compartmentalization', but, rather is
|'just' the result of their being two phases in the SSW<->UES
|harmonics. During compression, the incoming SWS 'sees' a
|continuously 'shrinking' spherical Geometry, but during expansion
|the incoming SWS 'sees' a continuously 'growing' spherical
||The 'difference' between 'matter' and 'anti-matter' is 100%
|reducible to these two energy-density-variation Geometries, which
|are both spherically convex with respect to the incoming SWS, but
|are exact inverses with respect to 'instantaneous' SWS
||The last thing is what results in what's been referred to as
|"antimatter" having the 'appearance' of it's being 'the opposite'
|of what's been referred to as "matter".
"Matter" and "antimatter" "anihilate" each other when they meet
be-cause they embody the inverse Geometries in which they were
created. When they meet, their inverse Geometries 'un-do' each
other, and the energy that was 'contained' within them, having
lost it's 'containment' Geometry just flows freely back into the
UES. It's the same thing that would happen on the macroscopic
scale if, say, a two-compartment cylinder, top-half filled with
liquid stuff that's been sent spinning in one direction, bottom
half filled with liquid stuff that's been set spinning in the
opposite direction - then the barrier between the two bodies of
oppositely-spinning fluids is removed, allowing the fluids to
mix - when they mix, they'll 'slowly' 'anihilate' their opposite
spinning-ness, giving off heat - leaving a quieted body of fluid.
|All of what's been considered to constitute evidence
|substantiating the existence of so-called [Sorry] "discrete
|particles" derives in the facts of the continuous variations of
|both the SWS and SSW Geometries.
||I wanted to do an app that presented all of this schematically,
|help folks see it, but I've no 'time' during which to write the
|code, so folks'll have to put their thinking caps on and
|the imagery in their own good minds.
||All of the SWS<->SSW interaction dynamics [energy-exchange
|dynamics] are analogous to what would be a particularly-violent
|version of an "egg-beater" ty[p]e of amusement park thrill ride.
|Imagine yourself as first the energy of the 'portion' of the SWS
|that interacts with the SSW, and then as the energy of the
|'portion' of the SSW that interacts with the SWS, and 'go for a
|ride' on this 'egg beater' thing.
||In this extreme version of the "egg beater", the 'rider' [the
|energy] experiences not only the force of transition from
|peripheral Geometry to central Geometry, but, also, the whole
|Geometry's expansion and compression.
||All of the observable qualities of the so-called "discrete
|particles" derive in this extreme spherical-Geometry variation.
Here, the various magnitudes of correlated energy derive in the
Geometrical 'violence' of that 'portion' of the SSW<->UES
harmonics phase during which the interaction occurs. If it occurs
during 'shelling', the harmonics of the incoming energy has to fit
into that portion of the SSW<->UES harmonic's dynamics, or the
incoming energy will just pass-through relatively unobservable -
stuff like the photoelectric cutoff frequency derives in thes
phase -matching frequency correlations.
The analogous stuff also applies to the 'nucleation' 'portion' of
the SSW<->UES harmonics, except that be-cause the 'nucleation'
energy is relatively 'condensed', there's a relatively-broader
range of possible frequencies for the incoming energy. That is,
incoming energy can interact with the 'nucleating' 'portion' of
the SSW even when the 'nucleation' is non-maximal be-cause the
energy density is commensurate with the frequency of the incoming
Throughout all of these dynamics, the incoming energy can interact
with the SSW-bound energy only while their phases are sufficiently
correlated. Hence the appearance of energy's being 'quantized'.
Energy is =not= quantized. =Energy-exchange= [energy
transformation] dynamics are 'quantized' be-cause of the dynamics
of the phase-matching as discussed above.
It's like if there were a continuously-rotating lunch-time
automate machine. One is standing there continuously, but one can
only get 'chocolate-cream pie' once every rotation of the device.
It's the same with energy-exchange dynamics, except it's that the
frequency-matching must be in-there for the analogue of 'getting
the chocolate-pie' to happen.
All of this is 'just' in the spherical Geometry of the SSW<->UES
and SWS<->UES compression-expansion harmonics.
All the interaction possibilities derive in the
continuously-varying spherical Geometry and the energy-density
variations that accompany the geometrical variation.
That's all for this clarifying update. ken
|What've been referred to as "spin" and "angular momentum" fall
|right out of the during-interaction spherical Geometry be-cause
|the energydynamics of both the SWS and SWS compression-expansion
||What's been referred to as "magnetic moment" requires doing all
|this with two or more SSW<->UES harmonics, which I'll leave for
|later, after folks've had a chance to grasp what's here.
||The crucial thing is that the energy density that an SSW<->UES
|harmonic presents to any incoming SWS harmonic varies
|continuously, and for instance, the paths taken by the detritus
|collisions in 'particle' accelerators 100% reduces to these
|interactive energy-density variations.
||The SSW<->UES harmonics are so variationally-'violent' that the
|Geometry of the incoming SWS gets 'morphed' from one 'instant' to
|the next - in much the same fashion in which Cosmologists've
|imagined matter being morphed and ripped apart as it transitions
|across the event horizons of so-called "black holes" - as the
|energy density that the SSW presents to the SWS continuously
|varies. This creates, for idealized instance, 'comma'-like energy
|distributions which have intrinsic angular momenta as they're
|flung out of the collicion focus. Put such in a magnetic field,
|and the detritus follows a stereotypical path that rigorously
|correlates with the way it was geometrically morphed during its
|interaction with the SSW<->UES harmonic Geometry.
||The view that's presented here will, of course, become
|considerably refined as it's hammered on by Mathematicians, but
|it's fundamentals will stand, relatively unchanged, for all of
|'time' - because they are rigorously defined at all scales in
|what's presented here.
||Anyway, there's an exceedingly-rich 'new world' in what's here.
|I've already been able to show, for instance, how to derive
|in ways that'd not yet been conceived.
||So, what's here will open the "door" to Humanity's Future.
||I'll discuss further in the coming days [as what's left of me
|allows - it's 'hilarious' - my personal experience is not unlike
|the experience of the SWS as it encounters the "egg beater" stuff
|of an SSW<->UES harmonic - the main thing is that what I can See
|is just 'exploding' in magnitude - yet I've only these few days
|left(?) - where do I begin to describe the 'explosion's worthy
||Anyway, anyway, anyway...
||K. P. Collins
||"P. S. ..."