My work in Physics

Kenneth 'pawl' Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Jan 2 16:12:48 EST 2003

The 'exuberance' I've expressed recently derived in a breakthrough
in the stuff I'm working on. It's 'funny' how that happens - one
works and works, and as one does, one gains a 'sense' of the fact
that the principles one is carrying-through are getting
'long-in-the-tooth' - yet one cannot see their replacement yet -
it just builds like a nebulous 'nagging' that, increasingly, lifts
one out of one's concentration with respect to the
'getting-long-in-the-tooth' stuff and then, Wham! the
'replacement' barges right in :-]

It always leaves me 'floored' - all jaw-hanging-down-ness. [If
folks give AoK, Ap7 a careful read, they'll find that the
'mechanism' underpinning these dynamics is described in-there. It
all reduces to TD E/I. The "nebulous 'nagging' that, increasingly,
lifts one out of one's concentration" is 'just' a
"meta-sensory-dominant prefrontal constellation" as such is
discussed in AoK, Ap7. The 'transition' of which I write didn't
happen only during this period of intense focus. Everything I was
working to commuincate via the little apps I've posted was more
than a decade old. I last worked intensely on it back in the late
1980s and early 1990s. So it was a 'delight' to find that, even
though I wasn't paying a lot of 'attention' to it, my nervous
system was, nevertheless, sorting it out. My recent intense effort
just brought the TD E/I dynamics to a 'showdown', and the new-new
stuff carried sway - I'm still 'high' from it - like in the aside
[footenote 158 for folks who've paper copies] in AoK, Ap7 - Seeing
True Colors - experiencing True reward.]

Anyway, I've only got a little 'time' left before I have to give
up my Inet account [if nothing breaks for me, Permanently], and
because the stuff that I've newly-converged upon requires that I
begin-at-the-beginning again [lest my work become a confused, and
confusing,'hodge-podge' of the old [that was new to Physics] and
the new [still newer to Physics]], I'll not be able to do all I
wanted to do before I've got to give up my Inet account.

The remaining Inet 'time' I've left is Precious to me, so, instead
of posting code, I'll just discuss what would be in the code if I
had the 'time' to communicate in via program code. [BTW, I had an
insight into myself while doing the "Compton scattering" apps.
With respect to 'spelling'. It is that I spend so much 'time'
coding in environments in which every 'word' that actually matters
is rigorously-defined, and coersed by the compiler, that one
doesn't have to be concerned with 'spelling' - in fact, in
programming, no analogue of 'spelling' exists - one either
gets-it-right, in terms of the programming language's syntax, or
the program doesn't run - no 'grey-scale - and this ramifies in my
prose :-]

Anyway, I've got to gear-down a bit, explore the notebook I've
kept during my recent effort, and gather the 'Jewels', then I'll
discuss them - I believe I've been able to explain how every
so-called [Sorry] 'particle' gains its observable qualities - even
while it remains continuous with all other energy.

It's Beautiful.

K. P. Collins

"P. S..."

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