In comp.robotics.misc geakazoid <azedia at> wrote:
: Dennis Clark <dlc at> wrote in message news:<3e11e730$0$181$75868355 at>...
:> In comp.robotics.misc geakazoid <azedia at> wrote:
:>:> Your definitions are useful to the discussion, however...
:>:> Those stating that belief is the same for science as for religion miss a
:> key point.
:>:> SOMEONE proved a scientific theory.
: No, you Believe that SOMEONE proved a theory. In FACT, noone can prove
: anything outside one's Belief.
Bullshit. I give. You can continue to "believe" what you will. When
there are proven results out there that SHOW how the world works and you
continue to believe in ESP, fairies and your favorite super-deity, that is
_your_ problem, not mine. I'll work with facts, you can continue to prefer
ignorance. No skin off my nose.
: What you do not realize is that there is Evidence in Religion and it
: is Logical.
All logic works within its own framework. To quote another good author:
"If I said that fairies made the daisies on the hillside; would the existance
of the daises prove that fairies exist?"
That is your "logic"; in short, its nonsense.
Your entire thread of discourse is based on your agenda. It's just silly.
Thread DOWN the drain - *plonk*
* Dennis Clark dlc at *
* "Building Robot Drive Trains" published by McGraw-Hill 2002 *