Creationism and other doctrines. Was Mindforth

Albert van der Horst albert at spenarnc.xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 1 12:49:46 EST 2003

In article <6dd87c5d.0212311648.1c61ed2a at posting.google.com>,
geakazoid <azedia at dolfina.org> wrote:
>Dennis Clark <dlc at io.frii.com> wrote in message news:<3e11e730$0$181$75868355 at news.frii.net>...
>> Religious beliefs are easier imparted and held through ignorance, not
>> education.
>Actually, Faith come via proof. Faith is the most difficult mind set
>to come to because it requires acceptance and release of the anxiety
>of knowing that one cannot know-it-all.

I was raised a Roman catholic and indeed RC claims officially that
miracles are a direct proof of gods existance.
Not seen much of those lately.
Now saint Thomas purportedly asked for a miracle and got one.
That is what *you* *believe*.
A far cry from actual *direct* *proof* as far as I am concerned.


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Albert van der Horst,Oranjestr 8,3511 RA UTRECHT,THE NETHERLANDS
Q.: Where is Bin? A.: With his ma. Q.: That make the Saudi's
terrorists, then?  A.: No, George already owns their oil.
albert at spenarnc.xs4all.nl     http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst

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