The New Left, v.1 issue 2--Call for Papers

Synaesthesia dissimulator at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 1 16:31:10 EST 2003

                                        Call for Papers
                  2002 Edition of The New Left, Vol. 1 Issue 2

"Neuroscience, Evolutionary Psychology, and Political Theory"

The New Left is an independently published political theory and
philosophy journal. Its primary goal is to reform political theory,
not in some directionless fashion, but by wielding the precepts of
reason, skepticism, and empirical science. We seek to challenge all
existing political terms--justice, utility, liberty, and the like.
Such terms have not yet been measured against the only standard we
know, reality. As such, we seek to reform or discard all political
terms that do not reliably accord with reality, whether of a
neurological or environmental kind.

Another objective of The New Left is to break down barriers between
traditionally exclusive disciplines. We therefore accept submissions
from anyone, regardless of academic training (philosophy,
anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc.). There is only one
requirement: argumentative rigor or, in place of it, bravery--a
willingness to explore that which has not yet been explored. This of
course does not mean "anything goes"--The New Left disdains "folk
postmodernity," which is little more than free-association passed off
as scholarship and deep-thinking.

Preference is given to argumentative essays. But rest assured, we will
not exercise any form of superficial discrimination: well crafted
satire, book reviews, daring confessions and fragments, are also

Essays should be no more than 5,000 words in length, with full
citations (endnotes preferred), and formatted in MS Word. Send all
submissions via email to tnlsubmissions at yahoo.com. The deadline for
the second issue of TNL is March 25, 2002.

For more information, or to receive a copy of the first edition of TNL
via email (in pdf format), contact the editors of TNL at
tnleditor at yahoo.com.

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