The Neural 4-Space [was Re: Consciousness]

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Dec 31 18:48:38 EST 2003

After calling myself to task, another take on things that
I discussed in my last post.

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:r8FIb.17243$IM3.7093 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> I'm Trying to care, Peter, I really am, but am 'shell-shocked'
> from all the Caring that's arisen within me - for naught.

"Blah, blah, blah."

So what?

> It's a 'Dying', each 'time' one witnesses the stuff one's done-
> from-his 'heart' being ab-used.

"Blah, blah, blah."

So what?

> So it seems my Spirit is resigned to 'getting-published' in
> the names of others.

I'm not "resigned" to such.

It's just what's happening.

And there isn't anything I can do about it.

Or anything that I care to do about it.

It's some Truly-Difficult stuff, as I'll discuss, further, below.

> What I'm left with is the Crushing-Burden stuff, upon which
> I cannot 'turn-my-back', even though, 'time' after 'time' after
> 'time', 'professionals' have just walked-off with the 'blossoms'.

I Love doing the "Crushing-Burden stuff", anyway.

Just wish I could earn a decent - or meager - living through
doing it.

> I'm Trying to Care, Peter.
> I really am.

I =really= am.

> [...]

> "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:OzDIb.388$EM4.7612 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> > Hi Ken
> >
> > There is not much meat in this your reply.
> >
> > Have you out-lined Tapered Harmony in a similarly
> > compact way to NTD? If you have (or eventually will
> > have) could you please email me it as an attachment
> > (or even better make it available for all as a webpage)?
> Not yet. It's because my work in Physics has always
> been as Play.
> I just been doing it, since a Child, for the Pleasure of
> it, and the old, long-familiar way of this play still permeates
> the doing.
> Part of it is that I invented the Maths I use. I discuss it
> routinely, but nobody grasps that it is, in fact, Maths. And,
> because I've been at it since a Child, I don't know how to
> translate into the 'prerequisite' Maths that tradition uses.

It's all just continuous 3-D differentials.

I've explained in former posts - just been able to do them
in my head since my days at my Dad's side in his cellar

> That's funny, too. When I was at Annapolis, I was exposed
> to the traditional Maths, but 'rejected' it because it was ob-
> vious to me that there was so much Wastefulness in-it - so
> much in-it that literally blinded folks' abilities to just See.

There was also, a 'strategically-'timed' broken-'heart' in the

> So, now, I'm 'doomed' to advance Science,

Actually, I'm granted the Priviledge of Advancing Science.

Big-difference - Huge.

> only to Witness my work being translated into the traditional
> language by folks who cannot see Truth until it's propped-up
> under their noses - because the language in which they're
> conversant blinds them to Truth.

Until it's propped-up under their noses :-]

But, so what?

If I can do it, I have to just do it, regardless of what anyone
else does.

Part of why it's 'Hard" for me is that I'm 'embarassed' for
folks who are getting paid to do it, but can't.

And, since I have to keep on doing it - because it needs to be
done - when somehting is 'borrowed', it just makes it Harder
for me to do what remains needing-doing.

I not only have to do the Science, but I have to care for the
Families of the 'borrowers' - I mean, I have to maintain my
relationship with my own work because my work is the only
'credentials' that I have - so that I can continue doing more.

But I don't want to cause anyone any 'difficulties'.

> It's a 'Dying', and it literally is taking-Life from me.
> I'm Trying to do what I can of what remains needing-doing.
> I really am.
> But with each Witnessing, it gets Harder.

"Blah, blah, blah."

So what?

> I've thought about writing a condensed version of AoK's
> condensation of NDT's stuff, and submitting it for Publica-
> tion, but that 'endeavor' always seems 'ridiculous' to me
> because folks all around the world already know about
> NDT - it seems to me that I'd be participating in a Lie if
> I wrote a paper, now.

It's a laugher - I =do not= know who knows about NDT's
stuff. I don't know of the "bionet.neuroscience" where I
post my discussions is, in fact, a "Newsgroup" that's open
to any but a select few.

I don't know whether, when I send a letter out, it ever
reaches its Addressee. No one ever writes back.

Email? What's that?

I've changed my ISP, but my 'email' is as it was at my
former ISP - almost entirely 'hack'-attacks - by the hundreds
[which is 'interesting' because it picked-right-up without
any delay].

The web? What's that?

My experience of 'the web' is really-weird. Never works
on my INet PC as I've seen it work on others' PCs.

Total 'weirdness'. I rarely change anything on my INet PC,
but the way my INet PC 'works' routinely changes. Sometimes,
I can read a web site, then the next day I can't. I do nothing,
but the next-next-day, I can. And so forth, all over the net,
no matter where I 'go'.

So I can't even be sure that I'm actually accessing "The


"Journalism"? What's that? I've gone to Journalists hundreds
of 'times' - no one in Journalism will even talk to me.

Well, almost no one. But there's this 'interesting' other stuff
that has =always= happened whenever I have been able to
spend some 'time' with a 'new'-to-me Journalist - the 'Stock
Market' has =always= nose-dived. When I go to a new
Journalist, I give them the means to check the facts - they
call around, and folks panic?

"Yikes! He's gotten someone to listen to him! Sell!" ...?

It's happened =every= 'time'.

And my 'vacuum-cleaner' mind gathers it all in.

> Tapered Harmony?
> Good grief! 'physics' is in a strangle-hold of Censorship.


> The Censors had their heads up their asses so far that
> they treated Tapered Harmony's stuff as if it was needing
> to be kept 'secret', and, when they finally realized where
> Tapered Harmony's 'heart' has been all along, they Cowered
> in the Light of the realization of how badly they'd Transgressed,
> so, now, it's as I said in another msg a few 'days' ago, they're
> working to 'achieve' TH's stuff via this 'shotgun' approach in
> which this or that scrap of TH's stuff is attributed to so-and-so.

It's this part of my prior post that has me coming back to

It's True, but it all follows from folks' experience - they're Victims.

And, look at what my 'attitude' does - it 'closes the door' instead
of holding-it-open [as I've Professed my purpose to be in former

For a long 'time', I've been contemplating my 'situation' with
particular respect to one thing that Jesus Taught"

"He who saves his life will lose it."


Look at what I've been doing. This or that 'borrowing' happens,
and all I do is 'slam-the-door' - trying to 'save my life'.

But, be-cause I do 'slam-the-door', instead of 'saving my life',
I 'lose' it - be-cause, by 'trapping' folks 'behind closed doors',
I, simultaneously, assure that they can do nothing to acknowledge
the work I've done.

It's Difficult to negotiate this 'sticky-point'.

I can't co-operate in Falsehood - can't 'move away from' Truth.

So how does one react to work that one's been discussing,
openly, for decades being attributed to others?

It gets more Difficult - there are Lives being Lost be-cause
the work is not being 'borrowed' in its Fullness.

How does one deal with such?

If one reacts as I have, the 'doors slam shut', and the Lives
are Lost, anyway - only one has 'joined' in assuring that it will
be so.

One has become Culpable in the Loss of Lives.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

And others' Lives, along with his own.

It's why I'm calling myself to-task.

No matter what anyone else does, I cannot do as I have

I Admit my Error.

I Regret it.

I'll work to un-do it.

My Sweet Lord, let me Hear you, better.

> It's nothing 'new' - this 'shotgun' stuff. It's been going on for a
> =long= 'time' already - more than 20 'years'.
> I wish Seeing it didn't suck the Life out of me, but it does.
> I'm trying Hard not to let such 'steer' me, but admit that, to
> a degree greater than I should allow it to, it is.

Shameful abdication of my Free Will.

> If I told folks all that I've Witnessed, the most callous folks'd
> find water in their eyes - not on my behalf - I'm just a 'throw-
> away' - but because it's the case that 'humanity' can still do
> such to itself.

True, but what's the 'point'?

If folks don't comprehend all that by now, why 'expect'
any further 'whining' about it to make any difference?

> I talk about it routinely, but only in thickly-veiled ways - because
> I have to - in order to address 'the beast' Directly. 'the beast' is a
> Coward. All one has to do to flick-it-aside is expose it to
> the Light of obvious-Awareness, and it slides-away in its
> own shit :-]

True, but it, simultaneously, locks its Victims 'behind closed

What Good is that?

None at all.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> And, then, it becomes even more determined to cover its
> shit-drizzlin' ass :-]

What Good is my saying that?

None at all.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> I'm laughing, but I, simultaneously, know that I cannot
> 'shovel-shit' fast enough to enable myself to remain
> unburried in shits'-avalanche.

So I waste the time between now and when I succumb to

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> So, although it's only 'funny', I laugh anyway.
> It's something that cannot be taken from me.

But I just throw it away.

Please Forgive me, Lord.

I'm Learning that, "He who saves his life will lose it."

> It's a Hard way to Die. It really is.

Stupidly-needless, to boot.

> But I was Raised-up to do what Needs to be done.


> And I do.

Make that, I will.

> Everybody Dies.
> Most folks, without having actually Done anything.

Any Parent who has Loved a Child Well will Die
having Done more than I will have 'done'.

> So, except for the Love of a Woman, I'll Die way-ahead.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

Even when his Life is needs a Woman, he'll Lose her,

> I'll be alright in a few days. It's the way that it happened, this
> morning [this Mourning] that's left me in the "zone of
> randomness" [AoK, Ap4].

I'm outta-there, Thanks, Lord, because I'm Learning that:

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> I was awakened by a screeching-chorous from my
> uninterruptible power suppl[ie]s.

Which have been going largely-unused because I've
been 'two'-much trying to 'save my life'.

> Went into my low-level 'emergency' plan, which [...]
> takes me to my car.
> Flipped on the radio to NPR ["might as well become
> informed while I'm 'waiting for the power to come
> back on'"], and there it was, this report that discussed
> my 'heart'-'moving away from' me.

I'm becoming =Informed=, Lord.

Please Forgive me for having, in my actions, having
Denied You.

> It was a 'Dying'.

It was.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> No 'meat'.
> Just me, shoveling-shit as fast as I can - trying to keep
> some part of me above it, but mostly-Failing - 'cause I
> can't keep my jaw from hanging down.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

> I'll be alright in a few days.

I'm getting-it, Lord, Thank You.

> [...]

I, hereby, place all of the work that I've done, since the
last 'time' I did the same, into the Public Domain.

This means that no one, including me, can do anything
with respect to anyone's using the work I've done.

Enough Waste.

I will have to continue Encouraging folks to take-Action
upon what's in the work, though.

Please understand that I'm Obligated, in that way,
to others.

I cannot 'excuse' myself from this Obligation.

Inherent, in it, is the Need to Encourage folks to
not ab-use what's in the work.

You know.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

It's True.

So, whoever it is who actually reads what I post,
I Ask you to find a way to lift Humanity up in
an understanding of the simple Truth that's reified
in NDT.

You =need not= acknowledge my priority.

You Need to =not= ab-use NDT's understanding.

"He who saves his life will lose it."

And the Lives of Innocents, 'two'.

Presently, this's the best that I can do.

ken [k. p. collins]

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