Hi Ken
There is not much meat in this your reply.
Have you out-lined Tapered Harmony in a similarly compact way to NTD? If you
have (or eventually will have) could you please email me it as an attachment
(or even better make it available for all as
a webpage)?
It would by interesting to see if your Tapered Harmony-inspired public
inference that the universe is accelerating, and that you say pre-dated the
current theoretically supported observation that this is a real phenomenon,
would or could be made sense of and given some credit by some really smart
professional physicist?
Perhaps there is no need even to try to make a question for
sci.physics.research get past the Moderators.
Lubos Motl is a guy who has enough quirkiness within himself for you (or, if
you'd like, me) to ask him to have a look at this particular spin-off of TH.
Also, he seems *to me* (whatever my opinion is worth) to be one of a dozen
or so brightest and most intelligent people that the world has ever seen -
and, again IMHO, he might well be *at least* as smart, and of course much
more knowledgeable, than Einstein ever was at the same age).
Motl can be contacted directly - just search the web. You'll soon see what I
mean. :-)
I like this statement/slogan of yours:
"People hate because they fear, and they fear because
they do not understand, and they do not understand
because hating is less work than understanding."It is profoundly
Kenneth Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:WzBIb.2336$6B.435 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> Hi Peter,
>> "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:JZnIb.36$EM4.1194 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...> >
> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > news:oDiIb.15441$IM3.5478 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > >
> > > Consider the "twins paradox", for instance.
> > > [...]
> >
> > Hi Ken,
> >
> > What is your philosophical/theoretical feeling about
> > the notion (reported discovery) of negative energy
> > and that it *accelerates* the expansion (WDB2T
> > dissipation) of our (this) universe.?
> >
> > P
>> I Predicted all that at least a decade before it was
> observed. I discussed this Prediction here in b.n
> long before the observations were first announced.
> I've been discussing analogous stuff all along.
>> I Honestly believe it's all just more of the work
> I've done being 'borrowed'.
>> When it was observed, I wrote to Journalists
> [who I've been writing to all along] that, although
> I'd like to believe the observations because they'd
> Substantiate the long-standing Prediction, of which
> the Journalists were long-since aware, I remained
> skeptical, at that 'time', because I could not, then,
> distinguish between the possibility that the "accelera-
> ting-expansion" stuff was just another 'hoax' and
> its being an Observation-in-Truth.
>> I checked further, and came to accept the Observa-
> tions as Genuine [be-cause, since the observations
> were so widely affirmed, the 'alternative' would've
> been 'two'-ugly to countenance.]
>> [Over the years, I've been subjected to myriad
> 'hoaxes' that always take the form of disembling-
> disinformation. It's been 'hilarious' to me to see that
> the folks doing the 'hoaxes' actually 'thought' that
> they could 'pull-it-off' - they 'thought' that this or
> that 'hoax-stuff' would induce me to take that or
> this False stand. But all I =ever= do is work from
> first principles in Tapered Harmony, and it's only
> when Tapered Harmony "OK's" this or that that
> I take-action with respect to it. That is, all the
> 'hoaxes' have ever been is food-for-thought. Any-
> one who's hung-out here in b.n for long enough
> has received posts of mine that 'bat-down' the
> 'hoax-stuff'. I do some of this on an almost-
> 'daily' basis. It's been the 'hidden' dynamics of
> what's fallen to me to Do.]
>> ken [k. p. collins]