"Wolf Kirchmeir" <wwolfkir at sympatico.can> wrote in message
news:jbysxveflzcngvpbpna.hqrj3i1.pminews at news1.sympatico.ca...
> On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 13:38:48 GMT, k p Collins wrote:
>> >WDB2T.
>> What the hell is this?
"WDB2T" is an acronym for "What's =Described= By 2nd Thermo",
which is the one-way flow of energy from order to dis-order that all
available replicable experimental results substantiates permeates
physical reality.
It's like the "aether", but flows in rigorous accord with what's
=described= by 2nd Thermo [WDB2T].
In Tapered Harmony, the view from which I discuss physical
reality, WDB2T is a physically-real energy-flow that is as an
"extreme fluid" [like a 'normal' fluid, but having no 'particles'
embedded within it].
The wave<->wave view holds that what have been referred
to as "atoms" are =not= 'comprised of subatomic particles',
but are, instead, comprised of Spherical Standing Waves of
energy that is 'trapped within' compression<->expansion
harmonic interaction with their local 'portion' of the Universal
Energy Supply [UES]:
SSW<->UES cvompression-expansion harmonics.
The little QBASIC "Compton Refraction" program that I
referred to in my immediately-prior reply to you translated
the "Compton Scattering Equation" into the continuous
energydynamics of the wave<->wave view, thereby
substantiating it =completely=.
I've done the analogous analyses with respect to all of the
experimental results upon which 'quantum mechanics' was
founded, with the same completely-substantiating result.
[Although I've not yet translated these analyses into
individual computer programs. Doing so would be redundant
because everything that's going on in any of them is already
nailed-down in the Compton refraction program.]
This view has extraordinary usefulness with respect to
comprehension of physical reality.
I've worked in relative solitude, posting discussions in
various NGs, and the work I've done remains not
formally published.
k. p. collins