"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:vSPGb.9920$IM3.9100 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]
> > More recently, they're doing it with "loops", and
> > others are doing an analogous thing with "branes".
> >
> > Pretty soon, they'll be doing it with spherical
> > standing wave 'dark energy' harmonics, and, although
> > I'll not receive credit, I'll have been Published.
> >
> > ken
Quoting from this NASA web site:
"Explanation: How will our universe end? Recent speculation now includes a
growing field of mysterious repulsive energy that rips virtually everything
Although the universe started with a Big Bang, analysis of recent
measurements allows a possibility that it will end with a Big Rip. As soon
as few billion
years from now, the controversial scenario holds, dark energy will grow to
such a
magnitude that our own Galaxy will no longer be able to hold itself
together. After that,
stars, planets, and then even atoms might not be able to withstand the
expansive internal
force. Previously, speculation on the ultimate fate of the universe centered
on either a
re-collapsing Big Crunch or a Big Chill. Although the universe's fate is
still a puzzle,
piecing it together will likely follow from an increased understanding of
the nature of
dark matter and dark energy."
Quoting from the =Astrophysics= web site:
"Astrophysics, abstract
From: Robert R. Caldwell <robert.r.caldwell at dartmouth.edu>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 04:43:50 GMT (28kb)
Phantom Energy and Cosmic Doomsday
Authors: Robert R. Caldwell, Marc Kamionkowski, Nevin N. Weinberg
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, latex
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 (2003) 071301
"Cosmologists have long wondered whether the Universe will eventually
re-collapse and end
with a Big Crunch, or expand forever, becoming increasingly cold and empty.
evidence for a flat Universe, possibly with a cosmological constant or some
other sort of
negative-pressure dark energy, has suggested that our fate is the latter.
However, the
data may actually be pointing toward an astonishingly different cosmic end
game. Here, we
explore the consequences that follow if the dark energy is phantom energy,
in which the
sum of the pressure and energy density is negative. The positive
phantom-energy density
becomes infinite in finite time, overcoming all other forms of matter, such
that the
gravitational repulsion rapidly brings our brief epoch of cosmic structure
to a close.
The phantom energy rips apart the Milky Way, solar system, Earth, and
ultimately the
molecules, atoms, nuclei, and nucleons of which we are composed, before the
death of the
Universe in a ``Big Rip''."
When I tried to DL the PDF, I got an error msg: "The file is damaged and
could not be
Quoting from the Space.com web site:
"A rather harrowing new theory about the death of the universe paints a
picture of
`phantom energy' ripping apart galaxies, stars, planets and eventually every
speck of
matter in a fantastical end to time.
Scientifically it is just about the most repulsive notion ever conceived."
"repulsive" :-] get it?
Only, it's =not= a "repulsion".
It's a 'depressurization'.
Quoting from the Space.com web site:
"The speculative but serious cosmology is described as a `pretty fantastic
even by its lead author, Robert Caldwell of Dartmouth University. It
explains one
possible outcome for solid astronomical observations made in the late
1990s -- that the
universe is expanding at an ever-increasing pace, and that something unknown
is vacuuming
everything outward.
The question Caldwell and his colleagues posed is, what would happen if the
rate of
acceleration increased?
Their answer is that the eventual, phenomenal pace would overwhelm the
normal, trusted
effects of gravity right down to the local level. Even the nuclear forces
that bind
things in the subatomic world will cease to be effective."
This's =not-it=.
As I've been discussing since shortly after I first came online 15+ years
ago [long
before observations pertaining to the accelerating expansion of the
universe], all of
"the trusted effects", themselves, reduce directly to WDB2T.
It's =all= 'just' WDB2T unfolding.
Quoting from the Space.com web site:
"`The expansion becomes so fast that it literally rips apart all bound
Caldwell explained in a telephone interview. 'It rips apart clusters of
galaxies. It rips
apart stars. It rips apart planets and solar systems. And it eventually rips
apart all
This's not-it.
As I've [repeatedly :-] discussed in former [and long-former] posts here in
b.n and
elsewhere, the action that derives in WDB2T acts at the smallest [SSW<->UES
'atomic'] scale [be-cause WDB2T is 'just' infinitely-divisible energy,
flowing], taking
the form of an augmenting inability of the UES to sustain SSW<->UES
harmonics. From
'there', things dis-integrate at increasingly-larger scales as a direct
result of of the
decreasing USE-'pressure's communicating throughout the Universe.
As I've [repeatedly :-] discussed in the past, over the 'eons' during which
its unfolding
will accelerate, this UES-'depressurization' will be accompanied by =many=
observables, including the relatively-'rapid' dis-integration of isotopes in
sequential-accord with the "Abundance on Wings" graphic that was on my web
site at my
AT&T ISP. [The SSW<->UES harmonics that exist at the outer-limits of the
UES's ability to
'sustain' them will dis-integrate first.] These dis-integrations [which are
observed to be occurring - in any instance of so-called "radioactive decay"]
'signal' the on-rushing future 'explosion' of the universe, but be-cause the
dis-integration of the SSW<->UES harmonics releases energy back into the
UES, which
augments UES-'pressure' local to the dis-integration, although the
'explosion' is already
happening, it's happening at a relatively-slow 'rate' - the WDB2T
energy-gradient is
still relatively-steep.
But all of this is already, if only weakly, observable. If folks look, and
keep exacting
records over terms that span centuries [and millenia], they'll see
accelerations of the rates of dis-integration of heavy isotopes - and stuff
like a [much
weaker, but also nonlinearly-augmenting] acceleration of carbon-14 'dating'.
'time' will
appear to be non-linearly accelerating :-]
Quoting from the Space.com web site:
"He calls it, as you might guess, the Big Rip."
"The `Big Rip-off'" :-]
Anyway, all of this stuff is jaw-hangingly-'interesting'.
It's good to experience that I'm, obviously, no longer 'alone' in seeing
=some= of it
[even though, as yet, others see what's entailed only dimly].
There are extremely-serious correlations to this stuff, with respect to
which it,
Unfortunately, seems, others remain 'oblivious'.
I'll explain if folks refrain from accusing me of doing anything other than
explaining [it has to do with the no-way-around-it Nature of Truth [but,
when I discuss
such, 'everyone' 'thinks' that I'm 'threatening' them, when I'm only doing
'just'-the-opposite stuff - Truth is - I'm always 'just' working to
communicate to folks
what that entails.]]
ken [K. P. Collins]