Physics CORRECTION!!! [was Re: The Neural 4-Space [was Re: Consciousness]]

Alex Green dralexgreen at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 30 05:39:11 EST 2003

> It's funny. =While I was responding= to Peter's post,
> the term "bremsstrahlung" was repeatedly popping
> into my consciousness [which is hilarious because
> this sort of thing is just like the virtual particle' stuff
> that Peter was addressing, only, within nervous sys-
> tem 3-D energydynamics, it's flat-out easy to see
> that the 'popping' is rigorously correlated to energy-
> thresholding dynamics. This's easy to see because
> it's simultaneously easy to see that the 'popping' of
> a term into consciousness has to occur as a function
> of relatively wide-spread 'Coulomb force' dynamics
> that are geometrecally-conformed to the neural
> Topology - it's easy to see, in this, that the 'popping'
> of the word into consciousness =cannot= be as
> some sort of 'particle', virtual or otherwise, 'pop-
> ping into existence'. Whatever 'word' it is that 'pops'
> into consciousness, it's 'popping'-into-consciousness
> is always accompanied by at least a portion of the
> complete representation of the verbal symbol's
> connotations that have accumulated "biological mass"
> [with respect to which "microscopic trophic modifica-
> tions have been constructed] during the course of one's
> activation-dependent experience [within one's "experi-
> ential total"]. 

But what saw what your mind's eye saw? Another mind's eye? Your neural
field must be a self observing matrix that accomplishes this trick
without recursion (recursion would just be an endless series of mind's

We all experience an extended, or "specious" present and this has been
well known to psychologists for more than a century. We do not exist
at a durationless instant. Just think of a word like "hello", how much
of the word would you experience in no time at all? It is because
experience is laid out in both time and space that there is no need
for recursion.

See: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~lka/conz.htm

Best Wishes

Alex Green

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