"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message news:<qDtHb.625$ma.22341 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au>...
> I take the fact that you are still here - exposing yourself to 'alternative'
> opinions - as a sign that you are not as immune to new insights as I (med
> min egen fördomsfullhet) thought.
>> So -- I'm somewhat sorry to have behaved like the snotty bastard that I
> sometimes am, before. :->
>> With apologies,
>> Peter
That´s OK!
To not be open and curious of new ( to one self at least) theories and
possibly valuable knowledge, would mean the end of the line in your
personal developmental process I think.
(Du vet- kunskapens paradox att ju mer jag vet , desto mer vet jag att
jag "inget" vet. Säger inte så mycket om man inte personligen upplevt
den - varit "där" och känt den svindel denna insikt medför)
orkeltatte ;-)