"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:LSiHb.11550$IM3.3432 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> Hi Peter.
>> Yeah, I can Handle them, but they just don't
> address "The Existence of God". They do,
> however, constitute a self-referential tautology
> that 'closes the door' to "God" to any who
> adhere to them.
>> Which is just TD E/I-minimization 'devaluing'
> anything that's not already in-it, which is 'just'
> the wellspring of "man's inhumanity to man",
> and that against which NDT stands.
>> And, when I look, my jaw hangs down, because
> Jesus Knew all of this ~2000 years ago. That
> Knowledge permeated everything He did.
>> When he said [paraphrase], "Turn the other
> cheek, go the extra mile, and give 'em your
> shirt, too", He was just saying "don't deny the
> value of others, even though what they bring
> into your life is discordant with your experience."
"What, Key? You have the nerve to say, 'Don't
devalue the worth of others', when in just about
everything you do, you rant against others? Why
don't you take a look at yourself, as you're always
saying, through the 'lens' of the words you've
posted above?"
I did, a long 'time' ago.
I'm not ranting against folks Worths. I'm, in fact,
doing 'just'-the-opposite stuff.
I'm working to lift folks up in the understanding
of how 'the beast', "Abstract Ignorance", comes
to literally have physically-real existence within
nervous systems, thereafter, dictating to folks
what their behavior 'must be'.
I 'rant' against this stuff that the absence-of-under-
standing inflicts upon folks, using folks in Merciless
ways, to inflict suffering upon Humanity.
I Love folks by 'exposing' that which "Abstract
Ignorance" does to them, and, unknown to them,
through them.
I 'rant' against what the absence-of-understanding
And I work to displace absence-of-understanding
with understanding.
In the doing of that work anyone can see how I
Value folks' worths.
The only way I could 'devalue' folks would be to
=not= do the work.
And my jaw hangs down, 'cause Jesus said all of
=this= stuff, too :-]
ken [k. p. collins]
>> Jesus Knew, i can See it.
>> What am I to do, Peter?
>> ken
>> "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:__hHb.496$ma.17930 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...> > [...]