What "inertia" and "work" are, physically, and
why each exists:
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:vSPGb.9920$IM3.9100 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
Background from a previous post [discussing the
Casimir effect] that can be accessed via the link
> [...]
> As the plates are brought together, because of the
> 'solidity' of the plates, the 'portion' of the UES
> [in TH, "Universal Energy Supply" - like the 'aether',
> only 'free' to flow in accord with WDB2T] that is
> between the plates 'experiences' decreasing
> freedom to move. As this occurs, SSW<->UES
> harmonics comprising the two plates become in-
> creasingly-asymmetrically-sustained in a way that
> is deterministically-coupled to WDB2T be-cause
> the plates increasingly 'block' each other's 'exper-
> iencing of the UES-flow in the direction of their
> spatial separation.
> [...]
What's been referred to as "inertia" derives in
variations of relative 'symmetry' of the WDB2T-
governed 'sustinance' of SSW<->UES harmonics.
When one lifts one's arm, for instance, doing so
entails the doing of the quantity of work, that is
Deterministically required by the universal energy-
flow that is WDB2T, to translate the centers of
'symmetry' of the SSW<->UES harmonics that
comprise one's arm [and other portions of one's
body] from one set of 'points' in 3-D space to
another set of 'points' in 3-D space.
In doing this translatory motion, all of the
SSW<->UES harmonics of one's arm [and
other portions of one's body] are forced through
variations of their inherent UES-sustenance-symmetry.
It is this variation of UES-sustenance-symmetry that
is what has been referred to as "inertia", and the
quantity of work necessary to overcome 'inertia'
is the quantity of work that is required by WDB2T
with respect to the alterations of the UES-flow
with respect to all of the SSW<->UES harmonics
involved [including those in the physical environment
through which the arm moves - which is most often
"air", but can be "water", and can, itself, dependent
upon relative ephemerance [at sea level vs. on top
of Mount Everest with respect to air, or at sea
level or in the depths of the Marianes Trench,
with respect to water] [in Tapered Harmony,
"ephemerance" is energy's freedom to move.]
The variation in symmetry is not what's important.
the symmetry variation is only a way of addressing
the relative UES-flow variations that occur as one
moves one's arm.
This topic is Huge because it encompasses =all=
"work" that it is possible to perform throughout
physical reality. The one thing that I'm reifying, here,
is the way in which all "work" does, in fact, reduce
directly to WDB2T - how everything derives in
the 3-D energydynamics that are WDB2T.
These things have gone completely unaddressed
within traditional Physics. That is, "inertia" has been
left axiomatic - postulated, and unexplained.
"Work" has been addressed as "`force' through dis-
ance", without ever explaining what 'force' is or why
'force' is anything. 'force' has just been postulated.
Tapered Harmony resolves all of these things that
were left as 'postulates' within traditional Physics,
reducing all of them to the one-way flow of energy
from order to dis-order that is what's =described=
by 2nd Thermo [WDB2T].
For those who know NDT's stuff, all of the stuff
that I'm discussing in this post was first worked-out
while I was reifying "biological mass" and the 3-D
energydynamics that are the ionic 'Coulomb force'
conductances that occur within nervous systems.
To reify the nervous system dynamics, I had to lift
Physics up beyond where traditional approaches
had brought it.
In these discussions of Tapered Harmony's stuff,
I'm just not-Wasting what's been reified within NDT.
"Waste not, want not" - although, in my case, it's
more like "Waste not, want anyway" :-]
Anyway, folks should be beginning to be able to see
why the SSW<->UES stuff matters.
It doesn't matter so much from the traditional perspective
of 'physics' - 'physics' just postulates the correlated
stuff into 'inconsequence'. But it matters =greatly= with
respect to the doing of Neuroscience - because, as I
discussed in the post that's linked-to above, nervous
systems' 3-D energydynamics are =distributed= and
occur in a way that [via "supersystem configuration",
AoK, Ap5] is always undergoing 3-D-distributed
interconnectedness variation, yet, in 'normal' nervous
systems, is always as a unified whole. So, to resolve
the 3-D energydynamics that occur within nervous
systems, one has to dispense with imaginary 'particles'
and =See= the continuous flow of energy that's
distributed throughout a nervous system in always-
varying ways, in order to see the wellspring of unified-
[Folks in Physics should not be 'offended' by what's
here [by Tapered Harmony]. It is, after all, just more
of what Physics does and always ahs done - explain
physical reality in ever-more-refined ways.]
Happy 432nd 'Birthday' Johannes Kepler. Your work
is in this work.
K. P. Collins