What is a deity?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Fri Dec 26 19:18:12 EST 2003

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:icVGb.212$ma.6533 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:93zGb.244$d4.53 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> > news:69gGb.300$SE5.7831 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> > > It is a function of your brain. And that is basically all there is to
> it.
> > >
> > > P
> >
> > I observe that there exist hugely-more 3-D energydynamics
> > external to my nervous system ['brain'] than there are within
> > it.
> >
> > So, your position does not self-sustain unless you can sustain
> > the position that 'you know everything that can possibly be
> > known'.
> >
> > :-]
> By "it" I meakly meant just the unimaginably complex brainspacetime nodes,
> or What Is in_ self-knotting _formation, to the extent these specific
> patterns of What Is going on are a God-concept carrying content of
> consciousness.  %-]
> P

That's just it, Peter. You =know= that I address nervous
system function from the perspective of its interaction with
physical reality  - "activation-dependence", and all that.

But what I said in my prior reply, quoted above, is =in=
even this delimited-to-physical-reality position - because,
to resolve the Q, a nervous system would have to experience
pretty much all of the energydynamics that occur within all
of physical reality.

So, it can only be a matter of Faith, or absence-of-Faith.

As I've explained in the past, in my case, after struggling, for
more than a decade, to take in the the fullness of the work
that's been done by Neuroscience Experimentalists, and
making some headway, my jaw just hung down because
I was able to See, through the lens of the Neuroscience
Experimental results, that Jesus, obviously, had an awe-
some knowledge of how nervous systems process inform-

I can't explain how Jesus could know how nervous systems
process information. I can only See that He did, and
demonstrate that He did.

With that realization, my Faith became Sealed.

I'd seen with my own eyes through the 'lens' of the
Neuroscience experimental results.

I understand the 'costs' inherent in my public-acknowledgement
of such, especially in a Science 'place', but, when I See Truth
with my own eyes, I Honor Truth. Period.

Here, I'm Honoring Truth with respect to the fact that
there is nothing within physical reality that enables
any nervous system to conclude that 'there is no God' -
simply because all of physical reality does not fit within
a nervous system.

Yes, all available evidence substantiates that the one-way
flow of order to dis-order that is WDB2T permeates
physical reality, and that physical reality is empowered by,
and unfolds in Deterministic accord with such, but no
evidence exists - not one scrap - that substantiates the
position that 'God must be separate from' these physical
dynamics - that 'God cannot even 'touch them'.

Juxtapose that complete absence-of-evidence against
what is my jaw hanging experience of Seeing with my
own eyes that Jesus Knew, and, in simple terms of the
evidence, it's no contest.

So, the matter becomes a 'question' of whether or not
I 'deny' what I've Seen with my own eyes - because I
understand the consequences of not so 'denying', or do
I Honor Truth?

I Honor Truth. Period.

Please don't 'worry' on my account.

I find great Joy in Honoring Truth. [As I've discussed in
the past, I also find great Usefulness in Honoring Truth,
be-cause, Honor Truth, and Truth Honors you right-back.
Not, and not.

That is, to see Truth, it's necessary to Honor Truth.

That is, further, one who does not Honor Truth literally
chooses to be 'blind' to Truth - and where does that
leave one - especially if one is a Scientist?

A Scientist, having so chosen 'blindness', cannot See
what's right-there in his ability to See.

What good is that?

Choose such?

Choosing such is choosing 'blindness'.

Truth cannot be taken a-little-bit-here and a-little-bit-

Truth must be taken Whole, otherwise, one ceases to
interact with Truth, and, instead, interacts with the
'winds' of 'happenstance', choosing this way or that
in a way that correlates only to the 'whims' of the 'wind'
when experiential circumstances are 'true' in terms of
one's 'wants'.

Such rapidly descends into total-'blindness', because
a burden accrues simply be-cause having to remember
all of one's 'flapping-in-the-wind', so that one can display
a pretense of 'acting-in-Truth', which 'pretense' is 'necess-
ary' be-cause folks'll 'buzz' one with respect to one's
'inconsistencies' - and the 'buzzing'-burden quickly
'expands' to fill the 'space' of one's 'living'.


So I Honor Truth.

It's not easy.

But it's True.

Honor Truth and Truth Honors you right-back.

Not, and not.

"Honoring Truth" is not some mis-take-free 'state'.

It's an endeavor that calls one to task with respect
to  giving Truth the first place in one's Living.

Anyway, that's why I acknowledge Jesus - even in a Science

Truth must be taken Whole, or one descends into 'blind-
ness' with respect to Truth.

And it's not a 'whimsy' on my part, Peter. I've experienced
the Difference Honoring Truth makes. It's why I was able
to See what's in "decussation". I've seen that others were
'unable' to see such. And I see the difference, and I've seen
why it exists.

So I Honor Truth. Period.

Cheers, Peter,

ken [k. p. collins]

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