Brain clues to attention disorder

orkeltatte at hotmail.com orkeltatte at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 26 13:33:42 EST 2003

"k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<3ATGb.10009$IM3.6218 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message

> > It would be nice with some references to scientific
> > studies (if any).
> I have a monograph, "On the Automation of Knowing
> within Central Nervous Systems: A Brief Introduction
> to Neuroscientific Duality Theory", 

> It sufficiently substantiates the position that I've been
> addressing - in terms of the proven Neuroscience
> experimental results.

So what you are saying is that you have done a double-blind controlled
study, with a sufficient number of individuals to draw reliable
statistical conclusions from, and you did not get it published in a
scientific paper?
Most common reason these paper don´t  publish a contribution, is when
the article don´t pass the qualitycontrol of the reviewboard. But you
have another explanation :

> Finally, I realized that it was just too far ahead of the field.
> So I came online to 'fill in the gap', which is what I'm doing
> here in b.n.
> Your reaction is pretty much the sort of reaction that I
> routinely got when I was submitting my work for Publication.

I take this as a compliment.


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