"Xiaoshen Li" <xli6 at gmu.edu> wrote in message
news:bsgiqk$sd8 at portal.gmu.edu...
> Hi Everybody:
>> I am confused with EPSP and EPSC(Excitatory Post Synaptic
> Potential/Current). Specifically:
>> I saw a formula to describe an excitatory synapse stimulation effect: i
> = G * (v-e); G = weight * exp(-t/tau); i(nA synaptic current),
> G(microSiemns synaptic conductance), e(mV reversal potential), tau(mS
> decay time constant), weight(synaptic weight), v(mV membrane potential).
>> Since e is constant, so i is determined by G and v. G is keeping
> chaning: G decays with tau; I think v is keep changing due to the inflow
> i, am I right? So i does not decay with a single time constant, am I
> right? What i trace will looks like?
>> If weight is increased, i will be increased. How about EPSP? Will it be
> increased too?
>> Maybe some questions are not reasonable. But you can see I am very
> confused. Thank you very much for your help. I greatly appreciate it.
>> Best Regards,
> Xiaoshen
I don't think you're 'confused'.
Unless data for each variable is supplied, the
'formula' is so arbitrary that it says nothing.